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scl-manips-v2 / barrett / libbarrett_ubuntu

Setting up libbarrett

Download libarrett from here, and follow the instructions in this document.

After you have completed the setup successfully, you should be able to run example programs. For instructions on how to do this, go here.

Note that you will need to make the following changes to the CMakeLists.txt file inside the libbarrett directory.


Remove the following lines:

set(libbarrett_VERSION_MAJOR 1)

set(libbarrett_VERSION_MINOR 3)


Replace these lines in the options section:

option(NON_REALTIME "Set to ON to avoid building code that depends on a real-time operating system" OFF)

option(OPTIMIZE_FOR_PROCESSOR "Set to ON to build binaries that are optimized for this specific computer and can't be copied to other machines" OFF)

option(WITH_PYTHON "Set to ON to build Python bindings for libbarrett" ON)

with these lines:

option(NON_REALTIME "Set to ON to avoid building code that depends on a real-time operating system" ON)

option(OPTIMIZE_FOR_PROCESSOR "Set to ON to build binaries that are optimized for this specific computer and can't be copied to other machines" ON)

option(WITH_PYTHON "Set to ON to build Python bindings for libbarrett" OFF)


Replace these lines in the boost section:

set(Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS "1.45" "1.45.0" "1.46" "1.46.0" "1.47" "1.47.0" "1.48" "1.48.0" "1.49" "1.49.0" "1.50" "1.50.0" "1.51" "1.51.0" "1.52" "1.52.0" "1.53" "1.53.0" "1.54" "1.54.0" "1.55" "1.55.0" "1.56" "1.56.0" "1.57" "1.57.0" "1.58" "1.58.0" "1.59" "1.59.0")

set(boost_components system thread)

with these lines (this is where we add the custom boost lib):

set(Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS "1.57.0")

set(BOOST_ROOT "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/3rdparty/boost_1_57_0/bin/")

set(BOOST_INCLUDEDIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/3rdparty/boost_1_57_0/bin/include")

set(BOOST_LIBRARYDIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/3rdparty/boost_1_57_0/bin/lib")


set(boost_components thread system)


Replace the following line within the if(WITH_PYTHON) statement:

set(boost_components ${boost_components} python)

with this line:

set(boost_components ${boost_components} python system)


Replace the following lines in the boost section:

find_package(Boost 1.45.0 REQUIRED ${boost_components})



with the following line:

find_package(Boost 1.57.0 REQUIRED ${boost_components})
