Labelling on Browse page

Issue #29 resolved
Kate Needham created an issue

Since our Browse and Search system is a little idiosyncratic, I'm thinking about ways to clarify it.

  1. On the Search/Browse page, the Browse section has the label "Documents" above the menu options. Could the search box get an analagous label "Text Search"?

  2. Could that text "Documents" be changed to "Filter Documents"?

  3. Could "Search String" become just "Search"?

  4. Could we add small headers above the two menus for search? The first would get "Search type:" and the second "Search within:"

  5. Could "Search Sections" become "Play text" and "Search Headings" become "Play headings"

  6. Could we add a "help" button or link that links to howtobrowse.html?

  7. Could the search box take up a slightly higher percentage of the page's horizontal space? I want to suggest more that users can use Browse and Search in tandem.

I have no idea how much of this accessible to us and how much only to eXist, but I wanted to put the suggestions out there.

Comments (6)

  1. Kate Needham reporter
    1. Perhaps add a header to the Browse options of "Filter by" and change the "filter by" in the entry box to "contains"

    And I realize a lot of these are text changes I could maybe enter myself, but I'm a little wary of messing with the browse.html and search.html pages too much; I don't want to mess something up.

  2. Kate Needham reporter

    On #5 above: Thinking ahead to future uses of this module, I shouldn't commit the search form to using the word "play." Let's change "Search Sections" to "Text" and "Search Headings" to "Headings". I'll adopt this language in the documentation on Search I'm writing. The header "Search within" will help make the meaning clear.

    Also noting that Craig has suggested arrows indicating drop down menus for the menus on this page (1 in the document filter and 2 in search), which would also be excellent.

  3. Craig Berry

    I have done #1 and #2. For #3 I have called it "search for" to be consistent with "filter by" in the browse section. The other things will take some additional tinkering. I agree we want to avoid the word "play" where possible. Before I would change "Search Sections" to "Text" I would want to know more about what it's actually doing, i.e., it's possible it is searching only a section rather than the entire texts.

  4. Craig Berry

    We've made many adjustments and have a completely new search capability since this issue was raised, so the remaining comments don't really apply anymore.

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