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ACID - Artefact correction in diffusion MRI / BIDS


The ACID toolbox supports the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) standard. Non-BIDS data are also fully supported but will be treated as quasi BIDS.

Creating 4D NIfTi

ACID features a module for converting multiple 3D NIfTi files to one single 4D NIfTi file. This module also extracts the b-values and b-vectors as well as the most important measurement parameters. The b-values/vectors can directly be used as dependencies in Batch-Pipielines.

Folder structure

The results from modules of the ACID Toolbox are stored in a "derivatives" folder. In this folder a subfolder will be created for each ACID module which was processed (e.g. derivatives/ECMOCO-Run).

Naming convention

The name of the processed module will be added to the filename in the "desc" (description) field. When another module is performed the name is added with a dash after the last module.
