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ACID - Artefact correction in diffusion MRI / Biophysical models

Biophysical models

All available biophysical models are variants of the “Standard model” (see for example) and estimate tissue specific biophysical parameters. In ACID currently there are three biophysical models available:


This model neglects the cerebrospinal fluid compartment and estimates the neurite density and neurite dispersion based on the DTI parameters FA and MD. The model inputs are:

  • FA map: the DTI based FA map
  • MD map: the DTI based MD map
  • Eigenvalues (3maps): the three DTI tensor eigenvalue maps
  • Region of interest: a region of interest confining the analysis
  • b-values: the b-values used in the DTI acquisition
  • In vivo or ex vivo: a switch for setting the tissue state that is being imaged

2. WMTI-Watson:

This model is more general than the NODDI-DTI model but needs the 5 DKI based axisymmetric DKI tensor metrics axial and radial diffusion and kurtosis and mean of the kurtosis tensor to work. The model inputs are:

  • Maps (AD,RD, MW/MK, AW/AK,RW/RK) (order is mandatory): the axisymmetric DKI tensor metrics estimated with a previous DKI fit
  • Type of input maps: a switch for telling the algorithm whether you loaded the apparent kurtosis parameters (AK, RK and MK) or the kurtosis tensor based parameters (AW, RW and MW)
  • Region of interest: a region of interest confining the analysis
  • Biophysical branch: a switch for branch selection (since the WMTI-Watson model has more than one solution (“branches”))
  • Number of workers (parallel programming): an option to set the number of workers for parallel execution of the code speeding up parameter estimation

3) WMTI (found in the external tools section):

Please cite [Fieremans, Els, Jens H. Jensen, and Joseph A. Helpern. White matter characterization with diffusional kurtosis imaging, Neuroimage 58.1 (2011): 177-188.] when using this parameter since it is an external implementation of the WMTI model that is similar to the WMTI-Watson model but neglects axon dispersion and assumes perfectly parallel axons. The model inputs are:

  • Diffsuion Tensor: the diffusion tensor estimated from a previous DKI fit
  • Kurtosis Tensor: the kurtosis tensor estimated from a previous DKI fit
  • Mask (binary): a region of interest confining the analysis

Note that for diffusion and kurtosis tensor estimation “acid_def.diffusion.dummy_write_tensors” needs to be set to 1 in the defaults for ACID to write out both the diffusion and kurtosis tensor in the DKI fit.
