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This benchmark consists of a collection of 50 Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets (GSPN). Some of them are examples with no specific semantics, others instead model well-known problems or case studies used in the literature.

The GSPN models belong to different structural Petri Net classes, i.e., monoT-semiflow, free-choice (FC), freely related T-semiflow (FRT), deterministic systems of sequential processes (DSSP). Herein, there is a brief definition of such classes, that are related according to the Venn's diagram below:

  • monoT-semiflow: structurally bounded net with a unique minimal T-semiflow that contains all the transitions of the net [CCS-TSE91].

  • free-choice: ordinary net where when two transitions are in conflict then they have the same input set (that is are in free-choice conflict) [DE05].

  • freely related T-semiflow: net where all the transitions belong to some T-semiflow and the T-semiflows are all freely-related [CS92].

  • deterministic systems of sequential processes: net consisting of sequential process nets -state machines- communicating through buffers [Souissi93].


There are also some GSPN models that do not belong to aforementioned classes, they will be classified general.

For all the GSPNs of the benchmark, one performance metric of interest is considered: a transition throughput, that for some GSPNs can be interpreted as system performance, finished tasks / products per time unit etc. in the modelled system context. The name of this reference transition t is then provided to estimate the metric X(t).

The benchmark can be used for different purposes:

  • to assess the correctness or efficiency of new GSPN performance evaluation techniques
  • to compare different GSPN performance evaluation techniques

##GSPN details This is the list of the GSPN models of the benchmark. Each model is classified according to the aforementioned PN subclasses to facilitate the selection of an appropriate sub-set. Indeed, the solution techniques to be assessed/compared may be sensitive to the type of model to be analyzed, then affecting the accuracy of the results; or they may not applicable at all (e.g., exhaustive reachability graph-based techniques cannot be applied to unbounded models).

Click on the links to see details about the GSPN models.

net subclass modeled system reference
net01 general robot system BC-TII09
net02 general robot system BC-TII09
net03 FRT flexible manufacturing system BC-TII09
net04 FRT communication protocol BC-QEST04
net05 monoT-semiflow job shop Campos90
net06 monoT-semiflow alternating bit protocol Campos90
net07 free-choice flexible manufacturing system PB-ENIDI09
net08 FRT complex system scenario -
net09 monoT-semiflow computer assisted braking system BCM-TII11
net10 monoT-semiflow simple system scenario BCM-TII11
net11 FRT example BB-PNPM01
net12 FC example Campos90
net13 FC example Campos90
net14 general flexible manufacturing system BMMNV-TR15
net15 FRT e-health system BBCM-TR10
net16 general gas-pump system BM-JSS07
net17 general backbone distributed FT algorithm BM-IC06
net18 general message redundancy system BBCM-NFPinDSML09
net19 FC example Campos90
net20 FC dataflow graph Campos90
net21 FC example Campos90
net22 FC example Campos90
net23 FC example Campos90
net24 DSSP example Campos90
net25 DSSP example Campos90
net26 DSSP example Campos90
net27 DSSP example Campos90
net28 FC (EQ) example Campos90
net29 monoT-semiflow Ada tasking system Campos90
net30 monoT-semiflow producer-consumer model Campos90
net31 monoT-semiflow example Campos90
net32 FRT example Campos90
net33 FRT example Campos90
net34 FRT software retrieval system (e-commerce) MCM-WINET03
net35 monoT-semiflow example Campos90
net36 FRT example Campos90
net37 FRT example Campos90
net38 FC example Campos90
net39 FRT example Campos90
net40 monoT-semiflow Assembly line push strategy Z08
net41 monoT-semiflow Assembly line on-demand strategy Z08
net42 monoT-semiflow Assembly line Kanban strategy Z08
net43 FRT flexible manufacturing cell Z08
net44 FRT oil pipeline network BC-TSMC13
net45 FRT oil pipeline network under attack BC-TSMC13
net46 monoT-semiflow Universal Control Hub GM-EPEW10
net47 monoT-semiflow Web-service GM-ISPA06
net48 FRT mobile agent application GIM-WOSP07
net49 FC Biomart Emboss workflow PMB-TR13
net50 FRT Clinical guideline BACM-M2H14


[BACM-M2H14] S. Bernardi, J. Albareda, J.M. Colom, C. Mahulea, A model-based approach for the specification and verification of clinical guidelines, In Proc. of the Workshop on models and methods for hospital management and planning, within the 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 16th-19th September, 2014, Barcelona (Spain).

[BB-PNPM01] S. Bernardi, G. Balbo, Concurrent Generalized Petri Nets: Regenerative Conditions, In IEEE Proc. of the 9th Int. Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models, pages 125-134, Aachen (Germany), Sept. 2001, German, R. and Haverkort, B. eds.

[BBCM-NFPinDSML09] L. Berardinelli, S.Bernardi, V. Cortellessa, J. Merseguer, UML profiles for non-functional properties at work: analyzing reliability, availability and performance, Second International Workshop on Non-Functional System Properties in Domain Specific Modeling Languages (NFPinDSML), held within MODELS09, 4th October 2009, Denver (Colorado, USA).

[BBCM-TR10] L. Berardinelli, S. Bernardi, V. Cortellessa, J. Merseguer, The Fault-Error-Failure chain: a challenge for modeling and analyzing performability in UML-based software architectures, Technical report, 2010.

[BC-QEST04] S. Bernardi, J. Campos, On Performance Bounds for Interval Time Petri Nets, In IEEE Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST'04), pages 50-59, Enschede (The Netherlands), September 27-30, 2004.

[BC-TII09] S. Bernardi, J. Campos, Computation of Performance Bounds for Real-time systems using Time Petri Nets, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol.5(2), pages 168-180, May 2009.

[BC-TSMC13] S. Bernardi, J. Campos, A min-max problem for the computation of the cycle time lower bound in interval-based Time Petri Nets, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 43(5), September 2013.

[BCM-TII11] S. Bernardi, J. Campos, J. Merseguer, Timing-failure risk assessment of UML design using Time Petri Net bound techniques, IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics, vol. 7(no. 1), pp. 90-104, Feb.2011.

[BM-IC06] S. Bernardi, J. Merseguer, QoS Assessment via Stochastic Analysis, IEEE Internet Computing, 10(3): 32-42 (2006).

[BM-JSS07] S. Bernardi, J. Merseguer, Performance evaluation of UML design with Stochastic Well-formed Nets, Journal of Systems and Software, vol.80 (11): 1843-1865, November 2007.

[BMMNV-TR15] S. Bernardi, S. Marrone, J. Merseguer, R. Nardone, V. Vittorini, Towards an MDE approach for NFPs assessment using multiformalism: an application to performability, Technical Report, 2015.

[Campos90] J. Campos, Performance Bounds for Synchronized Queueing Networks, PhD Thesis, Research Report GISI-RR-90-20, 1990.

[CCS-TSE91] J. Campos, G. Chiola, M. Silva, Ergodicity and Throughput Bounds of Petri Nets with Unique Consistent Firing Count Vector, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 17, pp. 117-125, 1991.

[CS92] J. Campos, M. Silva, Structural Techniques and Performance Bounds of Stochastic Petri Net Models, Advances in Petri Nets, LNCS vol. 609, Springer Verlag, pp. 352-391, 1992.

[DE05] J. Desel, J. Esparza, Free Choice Petri Nets, Cambridge University Press, 2005.

[GIM-WOSP07] E. Gómez-Martínez, S. Ilarri, J. Merseguer. Performance Analysis of Mobile Agent Tracking Approaches. In Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Software and Performance (WOSP 2007), ACM, pp. 181-188, 2007.

[GM-EPEW10] ]E. Gómez-Martínez, J. Merseguer. Performance modeling and analysis of the universal control hub, In Proc. of the 7th European performance engineering conference on Computer performance engineering, A. Aldini et al. editors, pp. 160-174, LNCS 6342, Springer Verlag, 2010.

[GM-ISPA06] E. Gómez-Martínez, José Merseguer. Impact of SOAP Implementations in the Performance of a Web Service-Based Application, In Proc. of the ISPA Workshops, pp. 884-896, LNCS 4331, Springer Verlag, 2006.

[MCM-WINET03] J. Merseguer, J. Campos, E. Mena. Analysing Internet Software Retrieval Systems: Modeling and Performance Comparison. Wireless Networks: The Journal of Mobile Communication Computation and Information, 9:223-238, 2003.

[PB-ENIDI09] E. Pacini Naumovich, S. Bernardi, Modelado de Redes de Petri con Intervalos de Tiempo mediante la herramienta ITPN-PerfBound. Proc. of V Encuentro de Investigadores y Docentes de Ingeniera (EnIDI'09), Los Reyunos, Mendoza (Argentina), 12-14 November 2009. IEEE.

[PMB-TR13] D. Perez-Palacin, J. Merseguer, S. Bernardi, Performance Aware Self-managed software: evaluation using Petri Nets Technical report, University of Zaragoza, 2013.

[Souissi93] Y. Souissi, Deterministic systems of sequential processes: A class of structured Petri nets, Advances in Petri Nets, LNCS 674, pp.406-426, 1993.

[Z08] A. Zimmermann, Stochastic Discrete Event Systems - modeling, evaluation, applications, New York, Springer-Verlag, 2008.
