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Numera.LibrisAPI / event.Status

Home > Event Dictionary > Status


The "Status" event is raised by the device in three different scenarios, which can only be determined by looking at the sub_type property of the details object. Additional information in the details object may be populated depending on the type of status event.

sub_typetype of status event:
* ClassifyTransmitError - used when the device could not submit data to the platform for classification, it continuously retries but this lets us know the device did experience an issue
* ReceivedPowerdownMessage - used to signify the device was worn way past the charging time and actually received a powerdown from the qualcomm module
* BattDraining - used to signify that we recoginized the device is in the charger but draining power and we had to reboot the device
* DeviceReset - used to signify that an SDK call was made to reset a device's configuration and patient as part of a dealer portal refreshing of a device
battery_levelraw battery level from 0 to 100
battery_percentlevel converted into a percentage for a user
action_takendescribes how the device reacted to the battery draining in the charger, typically reboot is seen
rssiindicates health of network connection, over 105 indicates a spotty connection
network_statusstatus of network: none,available,limited,limited_regional,power_save
