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Numera.LibrisAPI / EventDictionary

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Event Dictionary

Every event published by the Libris platform contains unique data that only relates to that event. This is the master list of events that you can have configured to be sent to your event receiver and that you will be able to view in the Libris web portal.

It is assumed that each event generated by the device is transmitted when the device is placed in the charger unless noted otherwise.

Complete Event Listing

Event TypeDisplays AsDescriptionTriggered By
LocationFixLocation updateA Location fix (satellite or network) was obtainedDevice
The device will trigger this event whenever it obtains a location fix. The event will not be published immediately under normal circumstances unless the device is in the charger. Through other configuration entries, these events can be published to the platform outside of the charger.

The location.flush_during_call configuration item (when set to 'true') will allow the device to transmit any of these events immediately whenever a call has been placed.

The location.publish_rate configuration item (when set to something besides 0) will allow the device to transmit location events when the configured number of fixes has been obtained. For example, if this value was set to 6, then once 6 fixes have been queued up then all 6 will be transmitted to the back-end even if the device is not in the charger.
NormalCallUser initiated phone call from a button pressDevice
Sent immediately as the device initiates the call.
ONPowered onThe device turned on or started after a rebootDevice
ClassifyClassifyEvent created when analyzing activity for a fallDevice
The device generates this event whenever it sends data to the back-end to be analyzed to determine if the device has been involved in a fall. The event is transmitted immediately.
NoteNotes updatedA Patient note was updatedPlatform
StatusStatusStatus log entryDevice
DebugDebugDebug log entryDevice and Platform
ChargeChangeCharge statusIndicates state of chargingDevice
Generated whenever the device is placed in the charger or taken out of the cradle. The event generated when the device is removed from the cradle is generally not transmitted until the device is put back in the charger.
NetworkChangeNetworkNetwork availability changeDevice
Generated when the strength of the network changes or the network is completely lost or re-obtained.
FallFall Assistance CallFall detected and call initiatedDevice
Generated when the back-end determined a fall occurred and the device initiates a call to process the fall. The event is transmitted immediately.
LogfileUnknownA request to download logsDevice
When support requests the device to transmit log files this event is generated on the device.
BatteryLowLow Battery AlertDevice has crossed the critical threshold of chargeDevice
Generated when the current battery level has crossed the critical level. (60% of battery) The first audio message for the user plays at 62% and the last critical message plays at 52%. This event transmits immediately.
ActivationDevice ActivationDevice was activatedPlatform
As a result of a user activating the device or an API call.
FailActivationDevice Fail ActivationThe activation failedPlatform
DeactivationDevice DeactivatedDevice de-activated in UI or through APIPlatform
MagCalibrationMagnetometer CalibrationDevice was re-calibrated based on device's locationPlatform
The platform monitors for the device moving at least 150 miles from current location, and then re-calibrates the magnetometer values used by the classifier.
LowActivityAlarmLow Activity AlarmUser has not had significant movement for the duration configuredDevice
This event transmits immediately.
LongChargeAlarmLong Charge AlarmDevice left in charger too longDevice
MedicalDeviceMedical Device AlertGenerated as part of Libris+ eventsDevice and Platform
The events are used to communicate the status of device pairings and readings.

Base Event Fields

All events have the possibility of containing the following pieces of information that can be output to the event receiver. Specific use of the fields will be detailed for each event.

typeA string representing the type of event, from the listing above:
timeTime of the event in UTC, formatted as below:
idNumera identifier for the event, a long string:
patient_idNumera identifier for the patient owning the event, as a long string:
imei15 digit identifier for the device the event relates to, as a string:
ticketA string identifier used to reference the specific call event (from a Normal, Classify, or Fall event), the syntax is realm-imei-rvid:
rvThe "rendezvous" id, an integer representation of the session related to the data connection established for the Normal, Classify, or Fall event:
stateA string representing the current state of the event, will change meaning depending on event type:
caller_idA string representing the MSISDN (phone number) assigned to the device associated with the event:
customer_idA string representing the customer id (if any exists) entered in our platform for the patient (event collector) associated with the event:
event_dataA JSON array containing entries about the data transmitted by the device during a call event (Fall, Classify, Normal). See the Normal Event details below for details on the array / object structure.
realmRealm the device belonged to when the event was created
device_statusstatus of the device
device_namename of the device (typically used by your platform to store your own identifier for this device)
locationA JSON object containing details about a fix related to the event. See the LocationFix event details (will be set to "null" if not present).

In addition to the fields above, for some events there will be a details object included that can have several additional properties that will be detailed in each event's documentation.
