lookup-selector ignores required attribute

Issue #109 closed
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

I'll leave it to you to modify lookup-selector.

You'll see that currently, it explicitly gets ngModel and ngDisabled from the bindings and adds these to the outputted <select> tag ( in the template).

Do the same with required.

Only need to be a one-way binding, like ngDisabled. ngModel ahs to be two-way, or it wouldn't send the selected value back.

Comments (3)

  1. Ghislain Hachey

    feat(SchoolItem.cshtml): basic support for validation


    • basic validation on school form
    • validation styling
    • support for required on lookups-selector
    • enhanced UI behaviors
    • fix schClosed loosing value

    Closes #105, #109, #103

    → <<cset c87c24adc563>>

  2. Brian Lewis reporter

    feat(SchoolItem.cshtml): basic support for validation


    • basic validation on school form
    • validation styling
    • support for required on lookups-selector
    • enhanced UI behaviors
    • fix schClosed loosing value

    Closes #105, #109, #103

    → <<cset c87c24adc563>>

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