Port FedEMIS JasperReports to MIEMIS

Issue #564 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

No description provided.

Comments (9)

  1. Shraddha Tambe
    1. Ported the "School Report Card" to MIEMIS.
    2. For this report, function needs to be created in the MIEMIS database - [warehouse].[examsSchoolDistrictNationByStandardResults2] The function definition is also updated in "helical_rmi/SqlScripts/Programmability/Functions/Table-valued Functions"
    3. "School Report Card" uses dynamic Images & JRTX Stylesheets based on "State" (district). For this, copied a set of images/jrtx from FedEMIS for "chuuk" state and renamed to "Majuro Atoll".
    4. To test the report, you may input the SchoolID = MAJ101 (which belongs to Majuro Atoll District)

    Please compile the "School Report Card 2 Book.jrxml" and then run

  2. Shraddha Tambe

    Ported all Indicators reports (State and National) to MIEMIS folders.

    These reports use 2 views which were not present in MIEMIS DB -

    [warehouse].[TempAgeSpecificEnrol] & [warehouse].[TempAgeSpecificEnrolDistrict]

    They are present in "helical_rmi/SqlScripts/Views". Please create them on your DB before testing the reports.

  3. Shraddha Tambe

    Ported all Teachers reports (State and National) to MIEMIS folders. Changed a few queries to get District Name as required by joining district table.

  4. Shraddha Tambe

    Verified the reports present in below folders and updated the jrxmls if the reports are not in working condition - School Report Card - Indicators reports by Nation - Indicators reports by State - Teachers summary reports by Nation - Teachers summary reports by State

  5. Shraddha Tambe

    Completed Porting a few more reports that we worked on as part of FedEMIS Issue#333, Issue#344

    1. In Folder /JaspersoftWorkspace/MyReports/miemis/Students

      • Age Distribution for Enrollments by State
      • Age Distribution for Enrollments by Nation
      • Student Enrollment by Age and Grades by Nation
      • Student Enrollment by Age and Grades By State
    2. In Folder /JaspersoftWorkspace/MyReports/miemis/Schools

      • Current Number of Schools by Authority
      • Current Number of Schools by District
      • School Enrollments by Age and Grades by Authority
      • School Enrollments by Age and Grades by State
    3. In Folder /JaspersoftWorkspace/MyReports/miemis/School

      • School Exams Results by Year ExamName
      • School Exams Results by Year
      • School Exams Results comparing State and Nation by ExamName
      • School Standard Performance Scores by Year
      • School Teacher Qualifications Summary
  6. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    feat(Jasper): Port of all FedEMIS report to MIEMIS

    Also includes:

    • various other new reports
    • report enhancements
    • adapt queries to warehouse queries and new flexible functions

    Resolves #564

    → <<cset ea92ff7c4dcf>>

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