Change school ID and teacher ID to full name of school and teachers in Jasper Reports

Issue #344 closed
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

No description provided.

Comments (6)

  1. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    I've done some of this as part of another branch. The remaining to be done by Jasper developer.

  2. Shraddha Tambe

    Hi @ghislain ,

    we have gone through all the reports present inside School and Teacher folder. Inside School folder, below are the jrxmls where only school id is added -

    1. School Exams Results BY Year ExamName
    2. School Exams Results By Year
    3. School Exams Results Comparing State and Nation By ExamName
    4. School Standard Performance Scores By Year
    5. School Teachers Qualifications Summary

    Inside Teacher folder - there are 3 jrxmls , in all the jrxmls SQL, tid is present but it is not displayed anywhere in the report.

  3. Rupam Bhardwaj

    Hi @ghislain ,

    1. Completed the development for all the above jrxmls mentioned
    2. Created branch issue344 and committed and pushed the changes to origin
  4. Rupam Bhardwaj

    Hi @ghislain,

    removed the new created files and updated the above changes in the same files. Please test and let us know if any issues.

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