Nation and District Summary Teacher Data Jasper Report

Issue #354 closed
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

A report that would include various ad-hoc teacher data such as:

  • Schools with less than 5 teachers
  • Schools with teachers less then 3 years away from retirement age
  • Schools with non-certified teachers
  • Schools with non-qualified teachers

This should serve as a good starting point to get feedback from management and the states. We can then continue expanding this report.

Comments (5)

  1. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Here we will do the same as we did for Indicators report in #360.

    • Teachers Report National (the front page uses the national theme to be provided)
    • Teachers Report by State (the front page and theme by states just like the school report card)

    Start by doing the same section as the Teachers section of the Digest report I shared with you. Then add in the table of content the following sections:

    • Basic statistics by schools (with the following sub-sections)
      • Schools with less than 5 teachers (school is the group and within each school the actual list of teachers)
      • Schools with teachers less then 3 years away from retirement age (school is the group and within each school the actual list of teachers 3 years away from retirement age)

    the list of teachers in the data above should be iTD, first name, last name, birth date

    • Unqualified Teachers (with the following sub-sections)
      • Schools with non-qualified teachers
      • Schools with non-certified teachers

    Do another version like national but a state version.

  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    You will find the data for these in the following tables.

    • dbo.TeacherSurvey
    • warehouse.TeacherQual
    • warehouse.TeacherLocation

    and view

    • warehouse.TeacherCount
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