Indicators Jasper Reports

Issue #360 closed
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Design a comprehensive report for all supported indicators and possible disaggregations.

Comments (5)

  1. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Just like the School Report Card in #245 create a comprehensive report with table of content. Same styling. We will need 2 different versions:

    • Indicators Report National (the front page uses the national theme to be provided)
    • Indicators Report by State (the front page and theme by states just like the school report card)

    Create a new folder called "Indicators" in fedemis in JaperReport studio. And then Create your folder for your above report books.

    The report should aim to produce the same results as the Indicators section of the PDF report will share by email.

    Here are some notes on the data:

    Gross Enrollment Ratio and Net Enrollment Rate by Education level can be derived from data in warehouse.EdLevelER (and warehouse.EdLevelERDistrict). The GER can be calculated by dividing columns "enrol / pop", the NER can be calculated by dividing columns "nEnrol / pop". Same for GER/NER for male/female (e.g. GER Male => "enrolM / popM"

    Gross Enrollment Ratio and Net Enrollment Rate by Education level can be derived from data in warehouse.EdLevelER. The GIR can be calculated by dividing columns "intake / pop", the NIR can be calculated by dividing columns "nIntake / pop". Same for GIR/NIR for male/female (e.g. GIR Male => "intakeM / popM"

    The flow rates (Transition, Repetition, Survival, Promotion, Dropout Rates) can be found in warehouse.DistrictFlow and warehouse.NationFlow

    This should provide a good starting point.

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