Report Showing Under, Over and Official Age Enrollments Jasper Report

Issue #332 closed
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Nationally and by District and by School (but School aggregate data not yet ready and lower priority.)

Should be in three reports:

  • National version located in Jasper's "Schools" folder (and online in Schools -> Dashboard) Call it "Age Distribution for Enrollments Nation.jrxml"
  • District version located in Jasper's "Schools" folder (and online in Schools -> Dashboard) Call it "Age Distribution for Enrollments by District.jrxml"
  • School version located in Jasper's "School" folder (and online in Schools -> School -> Dashboard) This one is a subreport to be included in the School Report Card 2 report.

Refer to the table [warehouse].[DistrictEdLevelAge]

Comments (11)

  1. Shraddha Tambe

    Hi @ghislain ,

    I have looked into jrxmls present inside Schools folder for National and District versions. I did check the table [warehouse].[DistrictEdLevelAge].

    In both the jrxmls , we are showing pie chart (district/authority wise count of schools)

    My question here is, do I have to add any tabular report towhich will show district/authority wise count of UnderAge ,OfficialAge or OverAge ?

    or we should show stacked bar chart?

  2. Rupam Bhardwaj

    Hi @ghislain ,

    we have completed the development and updated the files in the branch issue332.

  3. Rupam Bhardwaj

    Hi @ghislain ,

    we have completed the Nation version of this report and shared in the bit bucket.

    in the community version of jasper soft studio , we were facing issues in developing below visualization- multi_categories.PNG

    in jFree chart, the same visualization looks like below - jFree.PNG

  4. Brian Lewis repo owner

    Maybe worth looking at my comment in issue #369 to see if the calculations used here are ok.

    If comparing Overs and Unders, perhaps present as a percentage bar chart? ie the point is to show the relative percentages of children at official level, or older than official level BETWEEN states. If this varies between states, we can ask - why? Are kids starting later in one state? Are there impediments in getting to school ( distance/transport?) Are children repeating more? ....etc

  5. Rupam Bhardwaj

    @softwords - Please find attached the screenshot , we had tried to create the visualization in 2 ways. #Issue332(StackBar and Bar Chart).png

    Please check and let us know which one will work for you.

  6. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @rupam_bhardwaj I can't see your screenshot. Can you edit your post. You can also use the Preview button to see how it will look to make sure the image displays correctly.

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