Refactor citizenship in Census Workbooks [2020:H]

Issue #606 resolved
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

Citizenship is recorded for staff members is in the census workbook, and stored on TeacherSurvey (tchCitizenship).

The list of available values is hard-coded into the workbook. The selected value is recorded as a a literal value( ie not translated into a code).

Proposed changes:

  1. Derive the list of citizenship codes from lkpNationality. ie in the census workbook, this is now a databound list
  2. Store the code from lkpNationality onto TeacherSurvey, rather than the literal description.
  3. By convention, in lkpNationality, where the nationality is a specific country, the code will be the two character ISO code for that country, Where the “nationality” is a group (“Other Pacific Islander”, “other”) use a 3-character code so as to definitively avoid collisions .
  4. Set up lkpNationality as required in FSM and RMI masters.
  5. Change the Staff upload stored proc to update teacher survey with the code, not the description.
  6. UPDATE existing records to translate. Note that there is currently some erroneous values in here ( typos in older code sets
  7. Add referential integrity constraint on tchCitizenship?
  8. Add support to edit lkpNationality through the tables feature in Pacific EMIS.

Seems like a lot to do for minimal effect! Long term benefits are brings all versions of the workbook closer ( by making another column data-bound) ; allows end user to manage this list via the UI in a consistent way.

Part of the work towards #603

Comments (10)

  1. Brian Lewis reporter

    At time of writing , these are the values in lkpNationality in live FEDEMIS:

    codeCode codeDescription
    CHK FMS (Chuuk)
    YAP FMS (Yap)
    PNI FMS (Pohnpei)
    KSA FMS (Kosrae)
    ASI Asia
    AUS Australia
    BEL Belgium
    BRA Brazil
    CAN Canada
    GIL Gilberts
    FIN Finland
    IDN Indonesia
    JPN Japan
    LAT Latin America
    NOR Norway
    PAK Pakistan
    PLW Palau
    PHL Philippines
    ROU Romania
    RUS Russia
    VCT St.Vincent/Grenadines
    VNM Viet Nam
    ZMB Zambia
    O Other

    these are the values in the workbook:

    South Korea

    These are the values that appear in the TeacherSurvey table:


  2. Brian Lewis reporter

    Points 1 -4 above are handled in the script uploaded in Pull Request #324

    as at time of writing this sciprt has not been executed in miemis production. Best to check that this has no implication on reporting if tchCitizenship becomes a lookup code, not a string literal.

    This field is not yet displayed in the EMIS UI so no issue there.

  3. Brian Lewis reporter

    Current MIEMIS lkpNationality still not updated - would prefer to use ISO codes for RMI and FSM in both places, as per the script in #324?

    Workbook citizenship list is bound to the table lkpNationality now.

  4. Ghislain Hachey

    Agreed. I also think using ISO codes is better. Should probably even be preloaded in the system by default. FSM would however loose their state choices which they are used to? Are you suggesting we allow for those custom “nationalities”?

    Regarding RMI/FSM there is no reporting on those yet so safe to go ahead with this improved design approach I think.

    So remaining is 5-7 if I understand this correctly? Would you rather we bite the bullet and do this change right away?

  5. Brian Lewis reporter

    The 'fix script ' has been extended to load all ISO 3166 codes. However only a subset of these are shown in the work: these are ones that are grouped by region ( codeSeq < 900)

    and any others that appear in tchCitizenship in TeacherSurvey:

    -- nationality codes
    Select codeCode Code
    , codeDescription Nationality
    FROM lkpNationality
    WHERE codeSeq < 900
    OR codeCode in 
    (   Select tchCitizenship 
        from TeacherSurvey 
        WHERE tchCitizenship is not null
    ORDER BY codeSeq

    So this ensures that the code used for any staff member will be in the list after rollover.

    The ‘fix’ has been applied to FSM and RMI. data, including the addition of foreign key on tchCitizenship

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