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Further information

More about SpekPy

Physics models

Arguments of the Spek class

Function glossary

Validate your installation

Check what the input parameter values are for a spectrum

Specify a target material other than tungsten

Get results that agree with SpekCalc

Isolate the bremsstrahlung or characteristic contribution

If you do not want to use the default photon attenuation coefficients

If you want predictions off the central-axis

If you do not want the path-length through added filters to vary off-axis

If you want to normalize the spectrum to a reference air kerma or integrated fluence

If you want to import an external spectrum

If you want to shift the energy bin centres

If you want to use SpekPy in MATLAB

More about SpekPy

The theoretical model underlying SpekPy was developed in two papers: Poludniowski and Evans (2007) and Poludniowski (2007). The model was adopted in a popular spectrum modelling software called SpekCalc (Poludniowski et al. 2009). SpekPy version 1 implemented several theoretical and numerical improvements compared to SpekCalc (Bujila et al. 2020), but in most cases their predictions were similar. However, the SpekPy toolkit was much more powerful than SpekCalc. Notably, it allowed the user to script calculations and to import and manipulate external spectra produced by experiment or other models. SpekPy did (and does) have a steeper learning curve though.

In SpekPy version 2, the physics models for both characterstic and bremsstrahlung emission were updated to incorporate the advances presented in Omar et al. (2018) and Omar et al. (2020) Part I and Part II. While on-axis half-value-layer predictions are generally comparable between SpekPy versions 1 and 2, version 2 provides more accurate modelling of the anode-heel effect, in terms of half-value-layer, total fluence and air kerma predictions. Note that the physics models for SpekPy version 1 are still available as options in the updated toolkit.

In summary:

  • SpekPy (version 2) can model tungsten-anode x-ray tube spectra with tube potentials ranging from 10 to 500 kV and molybdenum and rhodium anodes with potentials from 20 to 50 kV.

  • SpekPy (version 1) is only capable of providing tungsten anode spectra, but can provide predictions in the extended range of 15 to 1000 kV.

Note that prior to version 2.03 the lower limit for tungsten for version 2 models was 30 kV.

Physics models

See the table below. Only the models highlighted in bold are recommended for use. Unless you have a good reason, we recommend you use the default physics mode of 'casim'. Some good reasons for using alternative models are:

  • 'kqp': to verify the accuracy of 'casim' in circumstances where there is doubt e.g. to verify off-axis spectra where the anode-heel effect is important. The 'kqp' mode is slower than 'casim' (the only drawback)
  • 'spekcalc': when you want predictions consistent with the popular SpekCalc software
  • 'spekpy-v1': when you want to model tungsten anode spectra at a broader range of potentials than available in the version 2 models (15 to 1000 kV rather than 20 to 300 kV)
Physics model (version 2) Physics model (version 1) Description
'spekcalc' 'legacy'* Emulates the popular SpekCalc software (Poludniowski et al., 2009)
'spekpy-v1' 'default'* This was the default SpekPy version 1 model (Bujila et al., 2020)
'casim' N/A Default SpekPy version 2 model. Identical to the 'sim' model on the central-axis. For off-axis spectra, however, although variable self-filtration of the anode is accounted for, the integration over the bremsstrahlung angular distribution is not recalculated.
'kqp' N/A The recommended option when high accuracy is needed (Omar et al., 2020 Parts I and II). Uses an explicit treatment of electron angular distribution and the Kissel-Quarles-Pratt bremsstrahlung shape-function. However, this option is considerably slower when calculating multiple points in an x-ray field
'diff' N/A For academic interest only (Omar et al., 2020 Part I). Instant diffusion model, analogous to SpekPy version 1 but with recalculated electron penetration data and no empirical normalizations
'uni' N/A For academic interest only (Omar et al., 2020 Part I). Explicit treatment of electron angular distribution but uniform angular distribution for bremsstrahlung emission
'sim' N/A For academic interest only (Omar et al., 2020 Part I). Explicit treatment of electron angular distribution but 'SIM' approximation for bremsstrahlung shape-function
'classical'** N/A For academic interest only. Identical to 'uni' except for the NIST bremsstrahlung cross-section being replaced by Kramers' classical thin target result. Again, explicit treatment of electron angular distribution (no instant diffusion).

* These inputs for the physics keyword will still work in SpekPy version 2.

** Added in version 2.07

Arguments of the Spek class

The Spek class is the main class and is used for creating a spectrum model. It has several possible arguments, all of which have default values. More information is provided in the table below.

Argument Type Description Notes
kvp float Tube potential [kV] Default value depends on target (the user will want to specify anyway)
th float Effective anode angle [degrees] Default value: 12 degrees (the user should specify if known)
dk float Energy bin width [keV] Default value: 0.5 keV
mu_data_source string Source of interaction data Either 'pene' or 'nist' (the default is 'pene' for V2 models)
physics string Physics model Default value of 'casim' (options: 'casim', 'kqp', 'spekpy-v1', 'spekcalc', 'diff', 'uni', 'sim' or 'classical')
x float Displacement from central axis in anode-cathode direction [cm] Default value: 0 cm
y float Displacement from central axis in orthogonal direction [cm] Default value: 0 cm
z float Focus-to-detector distance [cm] Default value: 100 cm
mas float Tube current-time product [mAs] Default value: 1 mAs
brem logical Whether bremsstrahlung included in spectra Default value: true
char logical Whether characteristic x rays included in spectra Default value: true
obli logical Whether increased oblique paths through filtration are assumed for off axis positions Default value: true
targ string The anode target material Default value: 'W' (options: 'W', 'Mo or 'Rh')
shift float Optional fraction to shift the energy bins (useful when matching to measurements) Default value: 0.0

Function glossary

Full descriptions of all the functions of the SpekPy toolkit are provided in Function glossary. This is a good place to look to figure out how to use the toolkit (another good place is the examples--see below).

Validate your installation

If you want to validate your local installation of SpekPy, you can use the script in the tests directory. To do so, make sure that you have the pytest package installed (via pip for example). Then navigate to the top-level directory of your SpekPy repository (i.e. in the downloaded package rather than where you installed SpekPy via pip). Then simply type at the command-line:

pytest -vv

This should give you a detailed breakdown of the testing process. If any tests fail, then you have a problem. You can contact us if you need help (see the Contacts section on the home page).

See some examples

The examples directory in the SpekPy repository shows a number of cases, exhibiting the use the toolkit:


We have tried to name the example scripts in a way that makes it easy to find a case using the functionality you are interested in.

Check what the input parameter values are for a spectrum

You can use the summarize() method to display the spectrum definition. For example:

import spekpy as sp
will print out:
Tube Voltage: 80.0 [kVp]; Anode Angle: 12.0 [degrees]; Energy Bin: 0.5 [keV]; Bin shift fraction: None []; Physics Mode: spekpy-v2-casim [str]; Mu Data Source: pene [str]; Target: W [str]; 
x: 0.0 [cm]; y: 0.0 [cm]; z: 100.0 [cm]; Tube Load: 1.0 [mAs]; Bremsstrahlung Emission: True [bool]; Characteristic Emission: True [bool]; Oblique: True [bool]; Ref. air Kerma: None [uGy]; Ref. fluence: None [Photons cm^-2]; 
Filtration: [('Al', 2.5)] [mm]; 

Specify a target material other than tungsten

As well as tungsten, SpekPy can model molybdenum and rhodium target anodes (20 to 50 kV). The keyword targ is used and it can take the values of 'W' (default), 'Mo' or 'Rh'. For example:

import spekpy as sp

Get results that agree with SpekCalc

If you want predictions equivalent to SpekCalc, but with the power of the SpekPy toolkit, then you can have that. Simply use the physics keyword. For example:

import spekpy as sp
import spekpy as sp
will both provide a spectrum in close agreement with SpekCalc. The derived metrics e.g. HVLs will not be numerically identical to SpekCalc, but will be very, very close.

Isolate the bremsstrahlung or characteristic contribution

There are two ways to isolate bremsstrahlung from characteristic contributions to a spectrum. Firstly, it can be done using keywords. For example:

import spekpy as sp
spk_br = s.get_spk()
spk_ch = s.get_spk()
The first call to get_spk() provides the bremsstrahlung spectrum, while the second provides the characteristic spectrum.

Secondly, however, we note that, if you export a spectrum to a text file (using the export_spectrum() method), then the 1st column is the mid-bin energy, the 2nd column is total spectrum and the 3rd the characteristic contribution.

If you do not want to use the default photon attenuation coefficients

By default, SpekPy uses the mass-energy absorption coefficients for air from NIST and the XCOM mass-attenuation coefficients (including the coherent contribution) for physics models spekcalc and spekpy-v1. For other physics model, e.g. casim, SpekPy uses data derived from the PENELOPE Monte Carlo code system.

The NIST data is often used in studies but there is some debate as to whether renormalized cross-sections, such as are used in the PENELOPE Monte Carlo code, are more accurate (ICRU, 2016). We provide the option to choose. You can use it via the mu_data_source keyword:

import spekpy as sp
The default value is mu_data_source='pene' for the default physics model (casim).

If you want predictions off the central-axis

Many spectrum software applications only specify spectra on the central-axis (although you can use the trick of changing the anode angle to get estimates off-axis). SpekPy, however, explicitly allows estimation of off-axis spectra. There are two approaches to this. Firstly, specifying an off-axis reference point when a spectrum model is created:

import spekpy as sp
import spekpy as sp
Both those snippets of code will provide the air kerma at the off-axis position. In the first, the reference point is changed. In the second, it isn't. If you want to create a line-profile or image with many points, use the 2nd method, as it is faster (it doesn't involve the creation of a new model for every position). You can specify an off-axis position with all the "get" methods of SpekPy.

It is important to know that x is the anode-cathode direction (positive direction towards the cathode) and that z is the central-axis. The direction of y can be found using the right-hand-rule.

If you do not want the path-length through added filters to vary off-axis

We assume that extrinsic filtration (inherent plus added) is planar and placed perpendicular to the z-axis. A consequence of this is that, as you move off-axis, the path-length through the filters increases. This contributes to the observed "heel effect". By default this increase in path-length for x-ray is included in the model. If you want to turn this off (so that all positions see the same filtration), use the obli (oblique) keyword:

import spekpy as sp
With obli=False only the r-squared and change in anode self-filtration (i.e. the x-rays' escape path in the target) contribute to changes in the spectra.

If you want to normalize the spectrum to a reference air kerma or integrated fluence

You may want to normalize a SpekPy spectra to give a certain air kerma of integrated fluence value. This can be done using the set() method. For example:

import spekpy as sp
You can change the reference point from the default (0 cm, 0 cm, 100 cm) by e.g.
s.set(x=-10, z=90)
s.set(x=-10, z=90, ref_kerma=100)
Note, however, that this is not equivalent to:
s.set(x=-10, z=90)
as calling set() without ref_kerma resets to the default normalization.

If you want to normalize to a total integrated fluence, then simply use ref_flu instead of ref_kerma.

If you want to import an external spectrum

You can import an external spectrum using the load_from_file() method:

import spekpy as sp
s=sp.Spek.load_from_file('My spectrum.txt', ';')
Keywords z (default: 100 cm) and mas (default: 1 mAs) can also be specified to define a spectrum's position and exposure. Alternatively, you can normalize the air kerma or integrated fluence after importing the spectra (see above). The spectrum is assumed to be defined on-axis. All the "get" methods of SpekPy can be subsequently specified off-axis, but they will not include the effects of varying anode self-filtration.

The format of the file is this:

# Some comment
# Another comment
# One more, if you like
The 1st column specifies the mid-point of the energy bins in keV. The 2nd column specifies the total fluence spectrum (# per cm2 per keV). The 3rd column specifies the characteristic contribution to the spectrum (# per cm2 per keV). The last column can be left off, if desired.

If you want to shift the energy bin centres

The default bin centres in SpekPy are chosen for a good reason: the upper edge of the final bin is defined to be equal to the incident energy of the electrons striking the target. Different software or measurements often use other definitions which sometimes makes comparison with SpekPy awkward (especially for characteristic radiation). The user can specify a bin width by the dk keyword argument (default: 0.5 keV), and, since v2.0.4, a bin shift (fraction of a bin) by the keyword shift. The fraction shift can be up to +/-0.5. For example:

import spekpy as sp
k, spk = s.get_spectrum()
In this case, the final bin centre (last value in k) will now be 80 keV instead of 79.75 keV. Since SpekPy calculates the bremsstrahlung contribution to the bin at precisely the mid-bin value, the fluence bin value (last value in spk) will be 0.0. This is an example of a bin shift introducing a numerical error, as the half of the bin below 80 keV should in fact contribute to bremsstrahlung. In practice, this numerical error is typically negligible because the missing contribution is so small.

If you want to use SpekPy in MATLAB

MATLAB can call Python packages. However, since Python is not packaged with MATLAB, you will need to make sure you have the reference implementation of Python (CPython) installed on your computer. Then, you will need to make sure your paths are set up so MATLAB can find Python. We also assume that you have successfully installed SpekPy. Use of Python libraries in MATLAB is made by typing py. The following MATLAB code uses SpekPy to calculate a HVL and plots the spectrum. The hardest work is converting Python data types to MATLAB types, when the output from SpekPy is returned.

% MATLAB code using SpekPy
kvp = 120; % The x-ray tube potential in kV
th = 10.5; % The target anode angle
spekpyArgs = pyargs('kvp', kvp, 'th', th); % Define Python keyword arguments

s = py.spekpy.Spek(spekpyArgs); % Create a spectrum model with arguments
s.filter('Al',6.0); % Filter the spectrum with 6 mm of aluminium


spectrumArgs = pyargs('edges',true); % Define Python arguments
spectrumData = s.get_spectrum(spectrumArgs); % Get the spectrum data

kNumPy = spectrumData{1}; % Extract the energy bins
fNumPy = spectrumData{2}; % Extract the fluence values
kListPy = py.list(kNumPy); % Convert NumPy array to Python list
fListPy = py.list(fNumPy); % Convert NumPy array to Python list
kCellMAT = cell(kListPy); % Convert Python list to MATLAB cell array
fCellMAT= cell(fListPy); % Convert Python list to MATLAB cell array
k = cell2mat(kCellMAT); % Convert MATLAB cell array to double array
f = cell2mat(fCellMAT); % Convert MATLAB cell array to double array

plot(k, f) % Plot spectrum
xlabel('Energy bin  [keV]')
ylabel('Fluence per unit energy @ 1 m  [# cm^{2} keV^{-1}]')
title('X-ray spectrum')


R Bujila, A Omar and G Poludniowski, A validation of SpekPy: a software toolkit for modelling x-ray tube spectra. Phys Med. 2020; 75:44-54.

A Omar, P Andreo and G Poludniowski, A model for the energy and angular distribution of x rays emitted from an x-ray tube. Part I. Bremsstrahlung production. Med Phys. 2020; 47(10):4763-4774

A Omar, P Andreo and G Poludniowski, A model for the energy and angular distribution of x rays emitted from an x-ray tube. Part II. Validation of x-ray spectra from 20 to 300 kV. Med Phys. 2020; 47(9):4005-4019

A Omar, P Andreo and G Poludniowski, A model for the emission of K and L x rays from an x-ray tube. NIM B 2018; 437:36-47.

G Poludniowski, Calculation of x-ray spectra emerging from an x-ray tube. Part II. X-ray production and filtration in x-ray targets. Med Phys 2007; 34(6):2175-86.

G Poludniowski and PM Evans, Calculation of x-ray spectra emerging from an x-ray tube. Part I. electron penetration characteristics in x-ray targets. Med Phys 2007; 34(6):2164-74.

G Poludniowski, et al., SpekCalc: a program to calculate photon spectra from tungsten anode x-ray tubes. Phys Med Biol 2009; 54(19):N433-8.

ICRU, Key Data for Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry: Measurement Standards and Applications. ICRU Report 90. International Commission on Radiation Units and 460 Measurements, Bethesda, MD, 2016.
