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free open source structural engineering design python applications
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What's new ?
2018-02-25 New version of DxfStructure
New DxfStructure ver.0.2.2 available at PyPI Python repository. Update it by typing:
pip install --upgrade dxfstructure
2017-11-19 New version of StruPy and Struthon available
New StruPy ver.0.5.7 and Struthon ver.0.6.3 available at PyPI Python repository.
Update struthon and strupy packages by typing:
pip install --upgrade struthon strupy
New application StruthonSteelMember available.
StruthonSteelMember video presentation
2017-11-14 Coming soon - new application StruthonSteelMenber
StruthonSteelMember application will replace currently existing StruthonSteelMonoSection. There are new features like buckling and lateral torsional buckling analysis.
2017-10-24 New version of StruPy available
New StruPy ver.0.5.5 available at PyPI Python repository.
ConcretePanel upgraded to Robot2016.
Update it by typing:
pip install --upgrade strupy
2017-10-24 StruthonConcretePanel video tutorial available
(Polish language version)
PART 2 Loading data from Dlubal RFem
PART 3 Loading data from Mecway
PART 4 Loading data from Robot
2017-10-22 New version of Struthon and StruPy available
New Struthon ver.0.5.4 and StruPy ver.0.5.4 available at PyPI Python repository.
StruthonConcretePanel upgraded to Mecway7.
Update those packages by typing:
pip install --upgrade strupy struthon
2017-08-15 Struthon ver.0.5.3 available
DxfStrcture integrated.
2017-05-15 New application - DxfStrcture (PoC stage)
2017-03-11 Struthon ver.0.5.2 available
New Struthon ver.0.5.2 available at PyPI Python repository.
There is a new StruPy ver.0.5.2 package version available too.
To use a new Struthon version you need to install new version of both packages.
pip install --upgrade strupy struthon
Main changes: StruthonMainPanel - check for updates option added, ConcretePanel new features (cut_peak and smooth for reinforcement), SteelMonoSection - profile class acc. EC3 included.
ConcretePanel cut peak and reinforcement smooth features use example.
Base result plot for some foundation slab (bottom reinforcement Anx plot)
Cut peak function used
Smooth function used
Cut peak and smooth functions used
Base reinforcement map (bottom reinforcement Anx)
Cut peak and smooth functions used
Bar anchoring included (feature will be available in future ConcretePanel version)
Base reinforcement map (bottom reinforcement Any)
Cut peak and smooth functions used
2017-02-05 Struthon ver.0.5.1 available
New features:
- StruthonSteelBoltedConnection - new application (alpha version for testing),
- SeePy and py4structure included.
Here is install instruction. Please note that there are some new dependences. Please note that those applications are alpha/beta stage - for testing.
2016-08-30 Struthon ver.0.4.5 available
New Struthon ver.0.4.6 available at PyPI Python repository.
There is a new StruPy ver.0.4.7 package version available too.
Those changes contain some hot fix for StruthonConcretePanel and StrupyConcrete.
2016-04-28 StruthonScriptViewer under construction
Renamed StruthonScriptViewer on SeePy.
2016-04-17 Struthon and StruPy websites moved on Bitbucket
Struthon -
StruPy -
The website is no longer available.
The website is still available and forward to Struthon website on Bitbuicket as above.
2016-04-10 Struthon ver.0.4.5 available
New Struthon ver.0.4.5 available at PyPI Python repository.
There is a new StruPy ver.0.4.6 package version available too.
To use a new Struthon version you need to install new version of both packages.
Struthon ver.0.4.5 applications:
StruthonConcreteMonoSection ver.0.1.2 - unchanged version,
StruthonConcretePanel ver.0.1.3 - new version,
StruthonSteelSectionBrowser ver.0.2 - unchanged version,
StruthonSteelMonoSection ver.0.1 - unchanged version.
Please note that those applications are alpha version - for testing.
StruthonConcretePanel ver.0.1.3 new features:
- Mecway input data interface.
New python package required - easygui form PyPI repository.
Here you can find tested Mecway models.
ConcretePanel and Mecway video presentation.
2016-03-24 Struthon ver.0.4.4 available
New Struthon ver.0.4.4 available at PyPI Python repository.
There is a new StruPy ver.0.4.5 package version available too.
To use a new Struthon version you need to install new version of both packages.
Struthon ver.0.4.4 applications:
StruthonConcreteMonoSection ver.0.1.2 - unchanged version,
StruthonConcretePanel ver.0.1.2 - new version,
StruthonSteelSectionBrowser ver.0.2 - unchanged version,
StruthonSteelMonoSection ver.0.1 - unchanged version.
Please note that those applications are alpha version - for testing.
StruthonConcretePanel ver.0.1.2 new features:
export reinforcement map to DXF file,
multi loadcase analysis,
save and open project file.
You must install dxfwrite package form PyPI to use DXF export.
2016-03-10 Coming soon - new ConcretePanel version
New features in coming version:
export reinforcement map to DXF file,
multi loadcase analysis,
save and open project file.
2016-02-25 YouTube video channel created
You can find Struthon video presentation on YouTube channel.
2016-02-11 StruthonConcretePanel available
New Struthon ver.0.4.1 available at PiPy Python repository.
There is a new StruPy package version available too.
To use a new Struthon version you need to install new version of both package.
Struthon ver.0.4.1 applications:
StruthonConcreteMonoSection ver.0.1.2 - unchanged version,
StruthonConcretePanel ver.0.1 - new application,
StruthonSteelSectionBrowser ver.0.2 - unchanged version,
StruthonSteelMonoSection ver.0.1 - unchanged version.
Please note that those applications are alpha version - for testing.