Allow issues to be displayed regardless of existing time logs - Part 2

Issue #567 resolved
Former user created an issue

Right now the TimeSheet plugin Dashboard view displays only issues (for a certain user or for yourself) which were used for time logging in the past days/weeks. Even if you choose a filter only those tickets are displayed with former time-logs.

As a result you can only log work times on tickets you already worked on - not on NEW tickets even if they are part of a filter.

When using a filter it would be great to have the possibility to choose yourself wheter only tickets with time logs OR all tickets from this filter (regardless of former time logs) should be displayed. If you choose this setting, it would result in constantly the same set of tickets (as set in an certain filter) beeing displayed... and you could easily enter time logs to all of these tickets.

Comments (31)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Suggestion by @azhdanov:

    Do you think that option like Show rows with no work will help? So when using Project or Filter gadget will show all issues matching selection, >regardless of them having worklog entries. This should work also with Group option, so all users in group will be shown, regardless of them having >worklog entries.

    It should work in case of Group and hopefully Role, or Project or Filter options. And it will merge global 'In progress Issues' also, when it is >applicable.

    But it will not have any effect in default view, i.e. for single user.

    If this sounds good, could you please create separate issue, copying your use-case above and also this suggestion?

    Thank you.

    Hi Andriy - sorry for the delay, was busy :-( Yes, I believe your suggestion would work perfektly. If you're asking me, this should work exactely like what I wanted with my original ticket #537 in the first place... before we started talking about the "in progress issues" global configuration option ;-)

    Of course this option should be placed in the local gadget configuration - not the global Time Sheet add-on config. Otherwise I'm looking forward to it - thanks!

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Sebastian,

    I have finally made it as you probably originally wanted. It will be possible to use filter option of gadget for In Progress Issues, see inProgressIssues.png for example.

    Fix should be available within a week.

    Though I've realised one drawback with this approach. It enforces you to use Filter option, so gadget will show only worked hours for issues matching filter only. Hope it is fine.

    Thank you.

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy.

    Sorry for the long sillence - I had a 2-month-work-break due to private issues. Started working again just a few days ago.

    Hope you had nice christmas holidays and a pleasant start into the new year!

    Returning to the Ticket: on a first glimpse everything seems fine. However - more tests are still to go.

    I'm not sure if I understand the drawback mentioned by you - yes, it enforces you to see just issues from the filter... but ONLY if you select a filter! And that's excately what should happen - in the end, that's what the filter is for, isn't it?!! Getting issues from the filter AND additional issues at the same time would be highly confusing, don't you think so? I even didn't notice that this was possible before your update. If it was, I'd rather see it as a side-effect.

    If you ignore/skip the filter area, the gadget behaves like before - you get "dynamicaly" only the isses you worked on.

  4. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Sebastian,

    Thanks for feedback. Yes it corresponds expectation when using filter. But when using 'In Progress Issues' with global query, all issues that have work during the period will be shown, plus issues that match the query. So using gadget filter, all issues matching filter only will be shown.

    I think it's correct behaviour and that's great you think so too!

    Hope everything is fine in your private life, and wish you great new year too!

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    Thanks Andriy. Yes, everything is fine... I was just a little exhausted after 2 very intense years with a lot of work (not only at the office but also at home) so I decided to take a little time-out.

    The gadget behavior is perfect (at least for us). Please remember that using the global query was always just a workaround - now we will stop using it and switch to individualy configured filters so every employee can decide for himself, which tickets he wants to see and to log time on... Maximum flexibility - great! Once again thank you very much.

    We will stay in touch Andriy. I will let you know if other issues (or any problems) should arise. Maybe you remember our discussion about "week and the month-view"... and how the month view can be interpreted (4 weeks? day 1 to day 30/31?). Tunig the way sub-features are displayed could be another point worth taking a look at. But for now we are very happy with the latest changes so I will not stress you with new ideas and wishes ;-)

    CU, Sebastian

  6. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Sebastian,

    That's great! Yes, I remember about issue#519, and that's nice coincidence, I've just re-started work on it last week, so it may come true finally!

  7. Former user Account Deleted

    *Oh oh*... great!! Looking forward to hear about your conclusions and considerations. If you need more input or if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

  8. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy. We've found a little misbehaviour when using the global "filter option". Doing so results in showing the issues defined by the filter - that's perfect. However - unfortunately the sort order of the filter is ignored. All issues are displayed ordered by the default sort order of the gadget ( = issue-key). That's quite bad since we're using the order inside our filters to obtain a better structure for our timesheet tickets. It would be really great if you could adjust this. I belive it should not be too difficult - in case of using the filter option the default sort probably just has to be spared out.

    Greeting, Sebastian

  9. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Sebastian. Unfortunately because plugin iterates over worklogs, it's not possible to preserve order of the used filter. There is separate issue#426 to add possibility to define order of displayed issues, though. Please watch it for possible progress, but I don't have distinct plans about it either.

  10. Former user Account Deleted

    Thanks for your answer Andriy. Could you please desribe the problem in more detail - what exactely is iterated - when and what for - and how does this prohibit the use of the filter order.

    Maybe a seperate order-clause-field inside the gadget configuration could solve the problem, so the order can be applied in a seperate step after identifying the work-log-issues from the filter beforehand?

    Generally spoken: of course the sort order might be considered "not crucial". All you need are the tickets, right? But in the end the big benefit of using a gadget is usability and speed. But for both advantages you need a structured, ordered visualization first. An Example: if you got Issues/tickets from 10 different projects displayed without an appropriate order, it becomes very hard to find the right tickets you want to log your time on. Everything ist mixed up.

    A solution could be to split the projects into seperate gadgets - the disadvantage of this approach is the lack a fast way to get the sum of time logged/worked over all gadgets e.g. for the current day. You need to add all results by yourself from each gadget to calculate a final sum. But even with different gadgets it would be an advantage to have a structured, ordered visalization per gadget.

    To sum it up:

    • Does someone need sorted/ordered tickets? Not really - the world keeps turnig without this feature ;-)

    • Does ist improve the functionality and usabilty of the gadget? Yes - I belive it greatly does.

    I guess, at some point you will have to ask yourself: "what is the gadget all about?" "what is it for?" "why should users use it - how does it help them?" Maybe this will help you to decide which feature is worth implemantation and which isn't.

    The same is true for another ticket I created yesterday: Issue #608 Does the gadget need it? No. Would it improve the gadget? Yes, I belive so ;-)

  11. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Sebastian,

    I absolutely agree it's important (both tickets, actually #608 is not a problem). Problem with preserving filter order, is that plugin collects worklogs first, this is a separate entity in JIRA. Then filters out those that does not match the query. Plugin would need to reorder result collection, basing on order in other (possibly big) collection, that's very inefficient.

    Thank you.

  12. Former user Account Deleted

    Sorry for beeing annoying, but what do you mean with "collects worklogs first" - all tickets for a certain user or project or whatever are identified first? And then the filter query is executed in the background resulting in a second List? And both results are compared, iterating through all tickets and removing every ticket from the first List/Collection that is not part of the Filter List??

  13. Andriy Zhdanov

    JIRA has worklog table, plugin executes query like select from worklog where start_date between <selected dates>, and filters out entities by user criteria, including issue filter.

  14. Former user Account Deleted

    I see. Before there was a "use global filter" setting, the plugin needed to identify "appropriate" tickets for visualisation. Getting them from the worklog was propably the only way to do this. That's why the gadet originally displayed only tickets you alredy worked on.

    But now with the global "use filter setting" in place this approach seems quite useless to me (if the "use global filter" setting ist used). I belive the appropriate tickets have to be accessed in an absolut different way then => by the filter itself. What I'm talking about ist something like:

    if use_global_filter_is_set and configured_gadgetfilter!=null
    result=getTicketsFromConfiguredFilter(); //including order!
    ELSE result=executeQuery(select from worklog where start_date between <selected dates>)

    Can't something like that be done?

  15. Former user Account Deleted

    Well - everything may have performance issues, you know ;-) In the end it depends on the filter. If you filter 10.000 tickets from 50 Projekts, lights will go out, for sure. But most filters will work without problems. You have to trust your user's a little bit more. They hopefully know what they are doing - thinking ist not prohibited!! :-)

    Didn't know about the second plugin. Still it seems to be rather a report tool - not a "time tracker". So doesn't match our requirements :-(

    Sorry, I have to go now - need to catch the train. Please think about the issue once again. You went such al long way implementing the "global filter setting" - it would be a pitty to leave the solution at this stage... metaphorically speaking "only a few meters away from the target line" ;-)

  16. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Sebastian,

    I've come to idea for this specific case - preserve order when using In progress Issues with gadget filter, this would not have performance issues, as it is intended to display on dashboard, so should not have that many issues.

    Note, issue#426 still remains open, so when it's done, this behavior may change.

    Change should be available this or next week.

    Thank you.

  17. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy - when you write about "in progess issues" do you mean tickets with the JIRA status "In Progress" (not so good - time logging is not only done on "In Progress" tickets) OR do you just generally mean tickets, that people are working on (all types of tickets regardless of status)?

    Will the filter order be automaticaly taken from the filter set in the gadet config OR has a "order by query" to be configured seperately for each gadget (both ways would be OK, the first way would be a more logical solution though)?

  18. Andriy Zhdanov

    By "in progess issues" I mean configuration option with the same name in Timesheet Configuration. So when "Use gadget filter" is used, then issues will be displayed in filter order. Note, possibility to specify order in gadget option, is subject of issue#426

  19. Former user Account Deleted

    That's great news!!

    I'm not sure, what exactly you mean with " it is intended to display on dashboard" - display on dashboard as opposed to what? I thought we already were talking only about the dashboard... what did you have in mind?

    But however. In the end it doesn't matter ;-) The essential outcome is that the order of the filter will be displayed in the gadget. If this will work, I'll be super-happy :-)

    Thanks a lot Andriy!

  20. Andriy Zhdanov

    Filter option may be used without 'In Progress Issues' feature, in gadget on dashboard or in report, in this case, it may have a lot of issues.

    I'd like to have this solved in more general case, though.

  21. Former user Account Deleted

    Seems to work perfectly. That was a realy huge improvement for us - thank you very much, Andriy... once again!!

  22. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Sebastian,

    I'd like to let you know, that Use Gadget filter option option is obsoleted with update 2.9.3 for JIRA 5 - 6 and 3.0.2 for JIRA 7

    You will need to enable Show Empty Rows in gadget configuration instead. Then you may turn off In Progress Option in Timesheet Configuration.

    Thank you.

  23. Former user Account Deleted

    Thanks for the Info, Andriy - we didn't upgrade jet. As soon as we do I will change the settings and test the behavior.

  24. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy - we've just upgraded to the latest version. At a first glance the switch Show Empty Code seems to work. Was a long journey but compairing the new behavior to my very first description of this ticket, it seems, we now have arrived where I wanted us to arrive in the first place :-)

    Thanks and greetings, Sebastian

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