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KROME / makefile

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Default Makefile

The default Makefile is Intel Fortran compiler oriented, but we have also options for GNU Fortran (gfortran) users.
Use Make [option], where [option] can be

  • : no option means use Ifort and (aggressively, -O3ish) optimize. It is usually long because of interprocedural optimization
  • profile: same as above but profilable (e.g. with gprof).
  • debug: ifort with no optimization and pedantic, for debug (very slow at runtime).
  • omp: openMP support, although never tested accurately.
  • gfortran: standard gfortran (mild optimization, -O2ish)
  • gfortran_dbg: pedantic gfortran for debug (very slow at runtime)
  • coverage: as gfortran but with coverage options
  • clear: clear all the trash produced during compilation. STRONGLY SUGGESTED after every python pre-processing!
