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krome_bootcamp_2016_ex / output_routines

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Output procedures and default file format

The proto class has some output methods already implemented, namely dumpDensityProfile and dumpRadiationFlux.
You can access them by using, e.g., call p%dumpDensityProfile(33), where 33 is the "logical unit" number (it can also be an integer variable). Note that you do not want to use the same unit number for different files that are open simultaneously.


The core of the dumpDensityProfile subroutine is:

 !loop on cells
 do icell=1,ncells
     write(fileNumber,'(99E17.8e3)') xvariable,this%radius(icell), this%density(icell)
 end do

This is a loop over all the cells. For each cell, it writes the radius (cm) and the density (g/cm^3) stored in the class attributes.
Note that these are initialized by the function init("namelist.dat"), called in main.f90.
This subroutine also has an xvariable argument that can be used as a generic independent variable. This is useful when you have, e.g., time-dependent quantities.
However, you can also use it for static quantities by simply setting xvariable to zero when calling dumpDensityProfile.

We will use this subroutine to output other quantities besides just the density.


The dumpRadiationFlux method dumps the energy-dependent and time-dependent radiation flux (eV/cm2), and the opacity.
It works analogously to dumpDensityProfile, but produces a more complicated output since it will be time-dependent (s), radius-dependent (cm), and energy-dependent (eV). dumpDensityProfile is only time- and radius-dependent.

Add another output method/procedure

To add an additional output method/procedure read this page.
