An event host shouldn't be running their own course.

Issue #2 closed
Former user created an issue

Problem: When a gym owner creates an event, they are automatically added to the list of attending ninjas, and are given a running number as well as being able to receive points.

Situation: A host wouldn't be running their own event; they would be monitoring the other ninjas. To ensure the competition is fair, they shouldn't be allowed to earn points for their own event.

Solution: Don't have the event host automatically assigned to the list of attending ninjas; don't give them a running number; don't let them earn points.

Comments (2)

  1. Thomas McNaught repo owner

    Don't force host to attend own event (close #2)

    Allow results to be published 30 minutes after event start (close #1)

    Add verified column to gyms page, beginning to implment changes where a gym must be verified before the owner gets a free ninja membership.

    → <<cset 15e20e9665a7>>

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