Django 1.7

Issue #1 resolved
Tim Van Der Hulst created an issue

Hi Tim,

Not sure what version of Django you use this on but it fails on 1.7

self.admin_static_prefix doesn't exist anymore.

Cheers, TiM

Comments (4)

  1. Tim Heap repo owner

    Hi Tim,

    Sorry this took so long to get to, December was fairly crazy. I've fixed the issue you reported, and it now works with Django 1.7. I've also added support for 1.7 app configs, including an app config that monkeypatches the runserver command to be quiet so you dont have to use runserver-- if you dont want to. It is all in the README.

    A new version 0.2.0 has been uploaded to PyPI, and the code has been pushed to this repo (I did not notice it was empty before, my mistake)

    Regards, Tim

  2. Tim Van Der Hulst Account Deactivated reporter

    cool, works great thnx~

    ps slight typo on your readme:


    should be


    Cheers~ TiM

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