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Baeljs / foodtakeout

Foodtakeout App

  • This app is for cofee shops and food-takeout businesses.


  • You should have registered your company and have a branch.

  • Branch should be subscribed to the app Foodtakeout.

  • To add app Foodtakeout: Manage Apps

 Home Page -> Click on 'Your Branches' -> Select a Branch -> Click on 'Branch'

 Branch Page -> Click on 'Foodtakeout'  


Foodtakeout has three options (under the Menu button):

  1. Menu

    • All the products which can be sold through foodtakeout.
  2. Orders

    • All the running orders.
  3. Bills

    • All the bills of the day.

    • Bills settled and un-settled are displayed here.

1. Menu List ( Product List)

  • Menu page contains the list of items for sale.

  • Items are displayed under categories.

  • Only items whose price has been defined for the app foodtakeout are displayed here.

2. Order

2.1 Create an Order

  • Click on Menu button -> and select 'Orders'.

  • List of Order is displayed. And a button to create a new order.

  • Click on the New Order button.

  • After the Order has been created succesfully, order Page is displayed.

2.2 An Order

  • Top section of the Order is order section.

Order section contains the ordered items and quantity of the items.

  • Bottom section is the menu section.

Menu section contains the menu items under different categories. (same menu items as menu page).

2.3. Adding Items to an Order

  • Food Categories can be selected through Left and Right buttons.

  • Items can be select by clicking on the menu item. Items selected are displayed in the order section.

    • Addition clicks will increase the quantity of the menu item.
  • Once the Items have been selected, order needs to be placed by clicking on 'Confirm Order' button.

  • Once the Order is confirmed, Button make bill is displayed.

  • More items can be selected and Confirmed by clicking on Confirm Order button.

2.4. Create bill for an order

  • Bill can be created by click on Make Bill button.

3. Settle a Bill

  • Once the bills is created using Make bill button, Bill page is displayed.

  • Bill page has three sections:

    • top is payment section.

    • middle is bill info section.

    • bottom section is bill transactions.

  • Payment section has three fields:

    • comment(optional): can contain card or online payment details.

    • amount receivable: is amount receivable for the bill.

    • payment type: Cash (default), Credit card, Debit Card, Online payment.

3.1 Bill Payment

  • After filling the comment,amount , and selecting payment type.

    • Click on Make payment button.
  • Once payment is complete, bill is settled.
