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IoT_JustSmile / 1. Co-Creation

#Living Lab: Co-Creation# LL1.png


During the Co-Creation phase we want to explore user needs and problems by ideation and co-design with users and other stakeholders. This phase includes tools like Personas, Value Proposition Canvas, Lean Canvas, Story Telling Canvas, Value Driver, Product Vision Board, and User Story Map.

#Personas# In order to better understand the user needs we created two persona profiles with different needs. Personas.png

#Value Proposition Canvas We developed a Value Proposition Canvas to find out how our solution could increase gains and reduce pains for our personas. Value Proposition Canvas.png

#Lean Canvas# We focused on our persona profiles and the main pains and gains to set up our Lean Canvas Business Model. We used the Lean Canvas Business Model by Ash Maurya, which is an adaptation of the Business Model Canvas by Alexander Osterwalder, because it enabled us to develop a more customer-centric solution. Lean Canvas.png

#Story Telling Canvas# We developed a Story Telling Canvas to put our IoT Business Model - from our Lean Canvas Business Model - into a context of how to solve the identified problem(s), with which solution and for which target group, to come up with a mission statement. Stroy Telling Canvas.png

#Value Driver# The product "JustSmile" consists of a mirror, which has a display, a camera and a small computer (raspberry) integrated. The combination of these components makes it possible to recognize people in front of the mirror, to record and evaluate their facial expressions as well as provide information to them. Since JustSmile uses face recognition and evaluation of the facial expression it provides the most convenient, quick and hygienic way to give feedback without touching any surfaces.

#Product Vision Board# With the Product Vision Board we describe, visualize, and validate the product vision and the product strategy by considering the target group, the user needs, the key product features and the business goals again. Product Vision Board.png

#User Story Map (MVP)# To reduce the risk of developing a solution not suitable for the customer we designed a User Story Map to see how the customer would actually use our solution. This is a common software development method to define a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and it helps every stakeholder understand the user journey.

The aim of our MVP is to deliver a usable product to the customer in a short time, that brings added value to the customer. The MVP contains the main functionalities of our JustSimle product:

  • person recognition

  • taking pictures

  • facial recognition

  • emotion detection

  • display feedback result

  • provide report of given feedback

After finishing the MPV we have planned to develop Release 2, which contains additional features and improvements:

  • graphical reports

  • manual override

  • we want to implement improvements that occered in our MVP (e.g. performance, usability, stability...)


Continue to second phase: Exploration
