WorkFlows won't show up in V1.6(11486)

Issue #140 closed
allenpu created an issue


Comments (8)

  1. Dave Lebbing

    I don't see this happening. Workflows are showing up ok for me in this build. Maybe context dependent.

  2. allenpu reporter

    I found that this problem has something to do with the language. If the title of the workflow is English, it can be displayed and selected normally. If it is other languages ​​such as Chinese, it will not display properly.

  3. timothy perfitt

    @davelebbing can you check and see if we replicate this internally? Might be due to Unicode.

  4. Dave Lebbing

    @allenpu I tried replicating this by setting Keyboard input sources to Cangjie and adding a new workflow with Chinese characters entered in all available text boxes. Everything worked as expected. If you notice any other context that contributes to what you observed please add to comments.

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