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UFF / v0.3 / uff.probe

uff.probe < uff

Describes an generic ultrsound probe formed by a collection of elements.


Parameter Datatype Description
transform uff.transform Attitude of the element in 3D space
element List of uff.element List of elements in the probe
focal_length double or single (Optional) For probes with a focal lens, it describes the focal length in m [Az, Ele]
element_geometry List of uff.element_geometry (Optional) List of unique element geometries in the probe
element_impulse_response List of uff.impulse_response (Optional) List of unique electromechanical impulse responses of the elements in the probe



Where focal_length specifies the lens focusing distance. Note that the elements in element_geometry and impulse_response are referred by the fields inside each member in element, avoiding unnecessary replication of information.

More compact, although less general, descriptions are available for:

Example files
