
Clone wiki

UFF / v0.3 / uff.probe.matrix_array

uff.probe.matrix_array < uff.probe

Describes a matrix array, made of identical elements, uniformly distributed on a 2D grid.


In addition to those in the parent class: uff.probe

Parameter Datatype Description
number_elements_x uint32 Number of elements in the x-axis
pitch_x single or double Distance between the acoustic center of adyacent elements along the x-axis [m]
number_elements_y uint32 Number of elements in the y-axis
pitch_y single or double Distance between the acoustic center of adyacent elements along the y-axis [m]
element_width single or double (Optional) Element size in the x-axis [m]
element_height single or double (Optional) Element size in the y-axis [m]


Example Files
