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UFF / v0.3 / uff.ultrasound_event

uff.ultrasound_event < uff

Describes an unique TX/RX event (transmissions and associated receptions)


Parameter Datatype Description
transform uff.transform Transform of current transmit/receive event (applies to the scan_sequence's transform)
active_probe uff.probe Reference to the transmitting probe
active_waves uff.active_wave List of transmit waves used in this event with their respective time offset and weight
sampled_channels_setup uff.sampled_channels_setup Description of sampled channel data. If more than one probe is used in reception, this is a list of setups.
channel_mapping array of int16 Mapping of transmit channels to transducer elements.
event_category string Description of the event used to generate the storage path for the data.
transmit_delays array of single or double Transmit delay line as set in the system for active channels [s].
excitations array of uff.excitation Matrix of excitation waveforms sampled at transmit_sampling_freq [normalized units].


@alfonsomolares: I suggest to change the class name from uff.ultrasound_event to uff.event. In the context of uff no other event is possible (kinda...).

@alfonsomolares: Since active_probe only refers to the transmitting probe (receive probes are specified in the samples_channel_setup) the name shoul be transmit_probe for the sake of clarity.

@alfonsomolares: I suggest to change the name uff.sampled_channels_setup for uff.receive_setup, uff.sampling_setup, uff.channel_data_setup, or uff.data_sampling_setup*.

@alfonsomolares: May be change channel_mapping to transmit_channel_mapping, to avoid confusion with the channel_mapping inside uff.sampled_channels_setup?

