Change wms control in such a way that the latest not the first init_time is chosen by default

Issue #236 resolved
Joern Ungermann created an issue

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Comments (4)

  1. Joern Ungermann reporter

    The server provides several sets of simulations that have been initialised at different times. One usually is interested in the latest results and uses the older ones only for assessing the stability of the meteorological situation at hand.

    As such, when switching layer or server, one of the first actions is changing the init_time to the latest_one. If one has selected "update on change", it will try to access the map with the first vlaid time, which is in time behind the init_time, which will result in an error of the server that has to be clicked away. Then one manually selects a valid valid_time and one is good to go.

    Thus, this change saves a lot of mouse clicks and increases the usability.

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