point labels and saving in manual calibration mode

Issue #224 resolved
FUNMORPH UA created an issue

Dear Ben, dear all,

Would it be possible to display point labels in manual calibration mode if the “frame specifications” contain a label column?

For the calibration of light camera recordings, I use manual mode and click surface points on a lego calibration cube.

Because we use multiple cameras, and because not all cameras see the same faces of the cube, and because I tend to select as many points as possible (can be #>100), calibration is tricky and error-prone. I have experienced crashes when recomputing, probably because my point selection was erroneous and the clicked points incompatible with the frame specs. This leads to the inability to save intermediate point lists without calibration (“You have modified calibration input…”, but I do not want to recompute to avoid another crash).

I have reduced chance of failure by calibrating cameras individually and later using calibration data from csv's in the “xma” file as external calibration for another data set. But still, it can be hard to keep track of the calibration points.

  • Labels in the list in “Toolbox/manual references” would be a great facilitation.
  • And, if technically possible, saving with incomplete calibration would be a relief.
  • Finally, if I select a label from the list that has been tracked before, it would be great if that label could be highlighted on the calibration workspace image by color or a circle.

Thank you!

Kind regards,


Comments (2)

  1. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi Falk,

    I added the labels for the manual calibration. You can add them by adding them in the same line of the framespec. e.g. 0,0,0,markerName.

    However, I di not add the other request. Manual calibration is an experimental and not supported feature as the normal calibration should be used. I added the marker names as it was a small change and also improves normal calibration but the other requests would require more efforts.

    However, it should not be that difficult to make manual calibration as you do not need to initially select all points. Did you check the wiki and the tips here. It is recommended to only select a small set of well distributed points and then to calibrate to get a first guess. After that you can add other points to stabilize it. You can also use the modifier keys to automatically detect which point you set and to use an automatic markerdetection to make the process easier.


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