"OpenCV error" occurring for XMALab_2.0.0

Issue #237 resolved
elska_kaczmarek created an issue

We recently (within the last week) trained a new student to track using XMALab and told her to download XMALab_2.0.0. She uses a mac (High Sierra version 10.13.6).

She was able to track a bunch of frames, but then kept getting an error about OpenCV (see image). Quitting and restarting XMALab did not help. This error has only come up for her and not for the other students who are tracking files. We advised her to switch from XMALab_2.0.0 to XMALab_1.5.5, and she says that she hasn’t gotten the error yet so it seems to be working fine.

Here’s her description of the problem:

“After clicking OK, the error notification window disappears. At first, this made me think maybe it was just a warning so I tried to just continue tracking after the error: when I tried moving between frames, the frame display number increased, and the scale bar moved along, but the images did not change. So the frames were changing but the images were not displaying it. Then a couple frames later, the same error notification window pops up again. 

In terms of pattern, I noticed that it took a little while before the error came up. Usually I'd be able to track for a couple hundred frames and then all of a sudden the error would pop up. I can't remember if it came up at the same exact frame every time - but based on what I recall, I wanna say it happened at different frames but never initially - it always took a couple hundred frames of normal tracking before it showed up. When it did occur, my computer would overheat and run quite slowly (seemingly overwhelmed).”

Comments (3)

  1. Lauren Welte

    I’m running into the same issue. Running on Windows 10. It happens consistently when I track more than three markers in one frame of one camera and not the other. As soon as I track one marker in the other camera, it’s fine.

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