change status of imported 2D points

Issue #238 resolved
J.D. Laurence-Chasen created an issue

Hey Ben! This is a minor one, but the default status of 2D points manually imported does not allow for autotracking to overwrite them. If there isn’t a strong reason for doing this, would it be possible to change the status assigned to imported points so overwriting via auto-tracking is possible?



Comments (3)

  1. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi JD,

    I checked the code and indeed the points are imported as SET, meaning they have the same state as when you clicked into the mainwindow and are therefore not trackable. However, there might be cases when a user actually wants that behaviour.

    So I will do the following: I add an option during the import which lets you select the status of the imported points, e.g. TRACKED or SET. In this case you can select TRACKED and then retrack the points, Make sure the option “Retrack tracked and optimized points“ is set in the Settings;

    Also another thing you can do as you are creating your xma-files by using a script is to set the status in the xma-file. Just change the values in the status2D (and also status3D but it should be recomputed anyways). The values are

    TRACKED = 40,
    SET = 50,
    MANUAL = 60,



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