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XMALab / Exporting data for Maya

To export data for Maya go to File –> Export

There are four data types to export from XMALab to Maya:

1) Rigid body transformations

2) 3D points

3) MayaCams

4) Undistorted trial images

Export rigid body transformations and import into Maya to animate mesh bone models using XROMM Maya Tools, import (imp) shelf tool.

Export 3D points to animate tracked points in Maya. To animate a spherical marker, select new sphere in XROMM Maya Tools, import (imp) shelf tool.

Export MayaCams and Undistorted trial images to create perspective cameras in Autodesk Maya. Select export MayaCams 2.0. Plain MayaCams (not 2.0) is legacy and should not generally be used. Use Xcam shelf tool in XROMM Maya Tools to import the MayaCams and Images.
