AF after # Exposures should count all AF sources

Issue #1038 resolved
Linwood Ferguson created an issue

Not sure fi this is intended behavior or an omission. The trigger for auto focusing after X exposures appears to only track its own AF run. If you also have an AF that comes, for example, from a HFR change or a meridian flip, it is not considered. So let’s say it is set to AF after 8, but at #6 the HFR run causes an AF, it will still AF after #8.

Perhaps using both together seems pointless, but I like to to have the AF After exposures as a safety net. For example, HFR may not be increasing much because the target is gaining altitude and is more sharp, but temperature is also changing the need for an AF run, so there may be a benefit from AF even if HFR does not yet see it.

I have not tried the “after time” aspect, I wonder if it does the same.

The suggestion though is that an AF run is an AF run – if you are coming AF’s (or time) to pace them, that timer and that count should be reset when the AF is actually done.

(I am ignoring filters here, without filter offsets I assume all this is done per filter, but have not tried it to see).

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