Feature request: offer saving of geo-locations and split profile settings into system-, user-, and rig-specific settings

Issue #1128 new
Andreas Nickel created an issue


As far as I understand it now, NINA keeps all settings in one profile. No matter whether they are user specific (like the UI color scheme) or whether they are rig or location specific, like the used mount and camera and geo coordinates. I have 2 telescopes, 2 mounts, 2 cameras and 3 obersving locations - and already have 24 profiles. And for each and everyone of them I have to repeat the settings for things, that I would expect are system or user specific, and not setup-specific, like for instance the directory for the Sky Atlas Images or which UI color scheme I like to use.

I know that one can clone profiles and all existing settings will be copied. But what if you already have 12 profiles and then want to apply a new UI color scheme or Sky Atlas directory to all existing profiles? You’d have to copy&paste this change manually to all existing profiles…. or ist there already another way?

In addition - it would be nice if one could store a few geo locations. So that one doesn’t have to enter them again and again whenever one moves around (and doesn’t have a separate profile for that… oh so many combinations…)

Anyway - I thought of a couple of ways that this could be improved. Happy to hear your thoughts and / or suggestions.

Proposal #1

There is one “master” profile, which will always be there and cannot be deleted. In all other profiles, you can then choose which settings your want to have - the ones from the master profile or individual ones for just that specific profile. If the settings in the master profile change, then they will automatically also change in all those profiles, which chose to use the master settings instead of their oen ones.

Proposal #2

Again, there is this master profile. In this case however, no settings will be propaged automatically from the master profile to the other profiles, but you can manually trigger a function to copy all or parts of the master profile to your profile currently in use. And vice versa: you can “send” settings from a local profile to the master profile. This way, a change you made in one individual profile could be more easily shared with other profiles (let’s say you found a new best setting for the UI colors and want to use them in all your already existing profiles…)

Proposal #3

Of course, one could also go the whole nine yards and create separate blocks of system-, user-, setup or rig- and location specific settings, store them all separately, and then a profile would consist of a combination of these blocks of settings. So when I start a photography session, I would then simply pick which system und user settings I would like to apply (most likely they will not change so often), pick the observation site from a list of stored LON/LAT sites, and choose the mount/scope/cam combo I have set up. Bam! Ready to go. Each combination of these blocks could then be a profile as they are now, but with fewer overall number of combinations… if you know what I mean….

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