Issue #259 resolved
Former user created an issue

I found a problem in using NINA's "AUTO MERIDIAN FLIP". When I started selecting objects from SEQUENCE and started exposing them,NINA will not pause according to the time in "PAUSE BEFORE MERIDIAN".It will continue to be exposed until the observed object passes through meridian. And it does not wait according to the time set by "MINUTES AFTER MERIDIAN" after meridian, but flip immediately after meridian. I read your document on the website about "AUTO MERIDIAN FLIP". I think there is a condition judgment that seems to have some problems, "Check if next image time + time to meridian is less than pause before meridian", I think this condition should be changed to "Time of target arrival meridian - Next image exposure time > Pause before meridian time ".

My test environment is as follows: Windows 7 64x NINA 1.9.001 Equatorial mount SkyWatcher/AZ-EQ6 Ascom Drive EQMOD (HEQ5/6)

Comments (4)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    the calculation is a bit off currently. the pause before meridian also includes the time after meridian.

    so for example you have 10 minutes after meridian but specify 15 minutes before meridian you will only pause 5 minutes before passing actual meridian.

    second example you have 10 minutes after meridian but specify 5 minutes before meridian you will only pause 5 minutes after actual meridian.

    Will be fixed nevertheless.

  2. Anson

    Hello, although I set it up according to your first example, it seems that NINA did not pause before meridian or flip after meridian delay.
    I recorded and uploaded the whole simulation process to the video website. I hope you can watch this video and you will know what I want to express. Thank you.

    Video link:

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    You need to update to beta #12. There was a bug in the time calculation where the passing of the meridian was not working.

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