Manual pause line item for sequences

Issue #276 resolved
Eric Schubert created an issue

I’d like to suggest the addition of a manual pause line for sequences. This line item could simply be a delay to wait for something to happen, or it could require the user to clear a dialog to continue the sequence. This can be helpful for framing at the beginning of a sequence. Take a test shot, verify it looks as you want it, then hit OK or Cancel depending on what you want to do.

This could also be useful for a manual filter wheel/drawer option. For instance, swap filters, then continue. If this were implemented for a manual filter wheel, though, I would suggest also including options to re-focus after switching filters, as well as plate solve after switching filters. In my case, I don’t have a wheel/drawer. I need to remove my camera to swap filters, so it may move the frame a bit when I do so. Plate-solving again after swapping filters would let me frame the object just as before the filter swap.

A manual pause could also be inserted to let the user manually refocus after every so many images, a period of time, etc.

So, having a manual pause would be helpful. You could implement pause features for filters and focusing. But, having a separate, manual, user-defined pause would be great, as well.

Comments (6)

  1. Dale Ghent

    There is a manual pause button at the bottom of the sequence screen. Press it and the sequence will stop progressing after any currently-active exposure is completed. Press the play button to resume.

  2. Eric Schubert reporter

    There is a manual pause button. But, that requires the user to sit and watch the sequence. I’d like to add a pause into the sequence to wait at a designated time until the user clears it. That way I can walk away and it will stop when I want it to. Not that I have to wait around until it’s in between exposures to click the pause button, which may only be several seconds.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    You don’t need to be between exposures to click the pause button. You can click it anytime and it will pause after the current exposure.

  4. Eric Schubert reporter

    I’m glad that it won’t interrupt the exposure, but that still means I need to pause it manually by clicking the button. Some imagers are running really long exposure times, in the 15-20-minute length. If they pause it in the middle of that, they may need to wait nearly that full time until they can do something like change a filter out. The idea with sequences is that they should automate these steps for us. i.e. “Take 10 images, then pause and wait for me.” The idea that I need to be present during a specific time interval makes the manual pause button more of a hassle.

    For me, the manual pause is great if I need to adjust something. Maybe there’s an issue I need to deal with. Maybe I want to adjust the inputs for one of the next lines in my sequence. But that doesn’t help me plan things out. Having a line item for a pause would help in planning out a sequence.

  5. Ron Kramer

    I agree. This area of nina is getting a major over haul. So maybe it will come. Myself - I wanted a pause of target 1. (until target #2 is above the tree’s at 1:24am.) But I can see how this much power and control can really clutter a wonderful interface. But what a dream to say target #1 “DO until” complete OR time: 1:24am (then #2 or #3 target which is rising and a priority. (again could be to complicated). = (

  6. Stefan B repo owner

    This will be part of 1.11 as part of the new sequencer, where you can add pause items (with a certain amount of time) or a message box reminder The first iteration of this new sequencer will soon be available through nightly builds, therefore marking this as resolved.

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