Multiple targets, create a combined sequence tab for all items

Issue #278 resolved
Eric Schubert created an issue

When defining multiple targets for an imaging run, I like being able to make a sequence for each one separately. Perhaps having a new tab show up when you have multiple targets, it would show a full, combined sequence for all targets in one big sequence.

Being new, I’m not sure if this would be helpful, but I thought it could be.

Comments (6)

  1. Dale Ghent

    I’m not sure what the utility of this would be, because it would be a sequence that wouldn’t ever be ran and it would be confusing to people to essentially see their sequences duplicated.

  2. Eric Schubert reporter

    Fair enough. I figured it might be useful to see each of the individual sequences combined into a final, full sequence. Perhaps it’s not useful at all. It was just an idea.

  3. Ron Kramer

    I get it. I set 3 up and while looking at teh first one is said “TIME TO FINISH”. I assumed it was all three. (it was just the first one). If I go look at the 3rd or final sequence setup for the night. (will it show time to complete it?) will it take into effect the other 2 targets before it? If I setup 3-4 targets I want to be sure they all are done before dawn. I have been confused not knowing.

    HOWEVER I hear the sequencer is being ALL REDONE - and I had suggested start and stop times be added. The reason is TARGET 2 was my primary interest for the night. But it didn’t rise until 1:30am. I started at 10pm. So I picked a secondary target to start with and wanted to be SURE IT ENDED AT 1:30am to move to the primary #2 target. I found I had to keep adjusting the amount of subs down to get it to finish #1 at 1:30am. (also that is a guesstimate) if there are more focus time it may not finish at the desired time. Then When that primary target moves behind a tree, I want to move to another target to use the extra clear night sky time. I’m not sure how to make all this data and control available without complicating the SEQ page. “CLEAN AND SIMPLE” is a priority!

    But I ran into this issue as originally stated. Maybe a list of estimated times could be opened in a window. #1 starts/ends #2 starts/ends #3 starts/ends… etc. So we know total time is finished before sunrise?

  4. Eric Schubert reporter

    Also… not sure how this would be confusing if it’s shown under a “Total Sequence” or “Combined Sequence” tab at the end of all of the individual sequences. Just make the title really clear and put a quick note at the top of the tab so people know what it’s showing them.

  5. Ron Kramer

    If not a “TAB” then lets say a night calculator? a window/display that might say start/stop time of each target and the next and next and at the end calculate (total time, subs or just END TIME of all the events listed). ?

  6. Stefan B repo owner

    This will be part of 1.11 as part of the new sequencer, as the layout changes and everything is visible vertically in one tab. The first iteration of this new sequencer will soon be available through nightly builds, therefore marking this as resolved.

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