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POPStarter Documentation & Stuff / quickstart-hdd

Quick start guide for internal HDD :

(updated ~ 2020/02/09)

This is a step-by-step basic guide for new POPStarter users. If you are already familiar with POPStarter, you don’t need it. Quickstarter pack includes last POPStarter version (Rev 13 Beta 2019/06/05).


Step-by-step :

a) Installing the emulator :

Since POPS (the emulator) is copyrighted by SONY, it can not be redistributed with POPStarter. You have to find it. It’s made of 2 files (for HDD mode).

POPS.ELF     - MD5 : 355a892a8ce4e4a105469d4ef6f39a42
IOPRP252.IMG - MD5 : 1db9c6020a2cd445a7bb176a1a3dd418
  1. Find and download POPS.ELF & IOPRP252.IMG ;
  2. Create a directory named POPS in the __common partition of your PS2 HDD ;
  3. Paste POPS.ELF and IOPRP252.IMG into the “POPS” directory you’ve just created.

b) Installing your PS1 Games :

POPStarter/POPS doesn’t support PS1 disc images as .iso – but only as .VCD.

  1. Create a disc image of your PS1 game as BIN/CUE ;
  2. Drag & drop your .cue file over CUE2POPS.EXE to convert your BIN/CUE disc image to VCD file (you can convert several games at once by running BULK_CUE2POPS.BAT) ;
  3. Create a partition named __.POPS in your PS2 HDD, large enough so you can put all your VCDs inside ;
  4. Transfer your VCD files in __.POPS partition. The easiest & recommended method is using RadHostClient.

c) Installing POPStarter :

  1. Rename the POPStarter ELF as the name of your VCDs, replace the .VCD extension with a .ELF extension (example : for running a VCD named “Crash Bandicoot.VCD”, the POPStarter ELF must be renamed as “Crash Bandicoot.ELF”) ;
  2. Copy the ELFs in __common/POPS.

Now, check your setup. It must be the same as this one :


=> to launch your game, run GAME.ELF.

Note : tired of renaming tons of ELF files ? Put uLE_kHn_20191110/BOOT in mc0:/BOOT folder and put POPSTARTER.ELF (not renamed) in __common/POPS directory. This special uLE version can launch .VCD directly – just like you would do for any .ELF file.


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