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AATKit iOS / AATKit / AATKit AdMob Custom Events Adapter

AdMob Custom Events Adapter (Requires AATKit >= 2.77.x)

  1. Project Setup
  2. AATKit Initialisation
  3. Banner Integration
  4. Fullscreen Integration
  5. Rewarded Video
  6. APP Open Integration
  7. Native Ads Integration
  8. Native Ads Integration - special ad network characteristics
  9. Disable App Transport Security (ATS)
  10. Advanced Features
  11. Targeting
  12. Frequency Capping
  13. Important Remarks
  14. AATKit's Size within your app
  15. What is an AdSpace?
  16. Network-specific Information
  17. Statistics Delegate
  18. Reports Delegate
  19. Listen to impression level information
  20. AATKit AdMob custom events adapter (>= 2.77.x)

AATAdMobMediationAdapter (Requires AATKit >= 2.77.x)

  • AATAdMobMediationAdapter is an AddApptr framework that implements AdMob custom events (Banners/Fullscreen/RewardedVideo/NativeAd)

How AATAdMobMediationAdapter Works:

  • Publishers must prepare their AdMob dashboard adding custom events to their mediation
  • AATAdMobMediationAdapter Implements AdMob custom events delegates
  • AATAdMobMediationAdapter internally calls AATKit whenever GoogleMobileAds asks for an ad request (that happens when the publisher requests an ad through GoogleMobileAds)
  • When AATKit responds, AATAdMobMediationAdapter notifies the GoogleMobileAds with the request result using the AdMob custom events delegate methods

AATAdMobMediationAdapter Integration steps:

  1. In your AdMob dashboard, click on mediation on the left menu
  2. Create a new mediation for each ad format (Please choose the proper ad unit that you are using in your application in the GoogleMobileAds integration)
  3. Open the newly created mediation and add a custom event
  4. Edit the custom event and add the proper class names from the following:
    • Banner class name: AATAdMobBannerAdapter
    • Interstitial class name: AATAdMobInterstitialAdapter
    • Rewarded video class name: AATAdMobRewardedVideoAdapter
    • Native ads class name: AATAdMobNativeAdAdapter
  5. Add AATAdMobMediationAdapter to your Podfile: pod 'AATKit/AATAdMobMediationAdapter'
    • This will install the basic required dependencies of AATAdMobMediationAdapter (AATKit Core / GoogleMobileAds)
    • To add another ad networks, you have add them via AATKit by adding the following to your Podfile: pod 'AATKit/<SOME_NETWORK>'. For more information about adding ad networks, please check AATKit Cocoapods Integration Section
  6. Integrate with GoogleMobileAds different ad formats following their GMA documentation (Please add the proper app ID to your info.plist under GADApplicationIdentifier key)
  7. In the viewWillAppear() of the viewController that requests an ad from Google, call the AATAdMobMediationAdapter public API:
    • Swift: AATAdMobMediationAdapter.sharedInstance().viewControllerWillAppear(self)
    • Objective-C: [[AATAdMobMediationAdapter sharedInstance] viewControllerWillAppear:self]
  8. In the viewWillDisappear() of the viewController that called the API in the above step, call the AATAdMobMediationAdapter public API:
    • Swift: AATAdMobMediationAdapter.sharedInstance().viewControllerWillDisAppear(self)
    • Objective-C: [[AATAdMobMediationAdapter sharedInstance] viewControllerWillDisAppear:self]
  9. Important: If your integration is fine, you should see logs with this pattern AATAdMobMediationAdapter: -[...] while testing your integration. If not, please revisit your dashboard and the above steps again.
  • AdColony -> pod 'AATKit/AdColony'
  • Admob -> pod 'AATKit/Admob'
  • AdX -> pod 'AATKit/AdX'
  • BlueStack -> pod 'AATKit/BlueStack'
  • CriteoSDK -> pod 'AATKit/CriteoSDK'
  • DFP -> pod 'AATKit/DFP'
  • Facebook -> pod 'AATKit/Facebook'
  • FeedAd -> pod 'AATKit/FeedAd'
  • Inmobi -> pod 'AATKit/Inmobi'
  • Mopub -> pod 'AATKit/Mopub'
  • OguryAds -> pod 'AATKit/OguryAds'
  • PrebidSDK -> pod 'AATKit/PrebidSDK'
  • PubNative -> pod 'AATKit/PubNative'
  • Smaato -> pod 'AATKit/Smaato'
  • SmartAdServer -> pod 'AATKit/SmartAdServer'
  • Unity -> pod 'AATKit/Unity'
  • Vungle -> pod 'AATKit/Vungle'
  • AppLovinSDK -> pod 'AATKit/AppLovinSDK'
  • AppLovinMAX -> pod 'AATKit/AppLovinMAX'
  • AppNexus -> pod 'AATKit/AppNexus'

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