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AATKit iOS / AATKit / AATReportsDelegate

Reports Delegate

  1. Project Setup
  2. AATKit Initialisation
  3. Banner Integration
  4. Fullscreen Integration
  5. Rewarded Video
  6. APP Open Integration
  7. Native Ads Integration
  8. Native Ads Integration - special ad network characteristics
  9. Disable App Transport Security (ATS)
  10. Advanced Features
  11. Targeting
  12. Frequency Capping
  13. Important Remarks
  14. AATKit's Size within your app
  15. What is an AdSpace?
  16. Network-specific Information
  17. Statistics Delegate
  18. Reports Delegate
  19. Listen to impression level information
  20. AATKit AdMob custom events adapter (>= 2.77.x)


AATReportsDelegate notifies you when AATKit reports placements statistics.

  • Conform to AATReportsDelegate
  • Pass the object conforming to AATReportsDelegate to AATKit using AATSDK.setReportsDelegate(self)
public protocol AATReportsDelegate: AnyObject {

     * Notifies you with AATKit reports event.
     * - Parameter report: The report content.
    func onReportSent(_ report: String)

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