Page number in footers vanished in CT 4.4

Issue #144 resolved
Jose M. Alcaide created an issue

The page number that should be in the footer of the first page of each chapter does not longer appear after updating from CT 4.2 to 4.4. This problem can be verified even in the included examples.

Official response

Comments (7)

  1. Ivo Pletikosić

    This is because we switched (had to switch) from scrpage2 to scrlayer-scrpage, but cleared both plain (officialy this is plain.scrheadings) and scrheadings pagestyles with \clearpairofpagestyles. We don't really change anything in the setup of plain.scrheadings which is used for the first pages of every chapter as we do for scrheadings pagestyle (used for all other pages). If we want the page numbers back, we should only do \clearmainofpairofpagestyles. Now... do we want them back? Andre?

  2. Jose M. Alcaide reporter

    I think that every non empty page from Contents onwards should have a page number.

  3. Ivo Pletikosić

    I suppose you're right. Please edit your copy of classicthesis.sty for now. We'll fix this soon.

  4. André Miede repo owner

    Thanks for reporting this and thanks to Ivo for the quick solution!

    You are right, this is a bug which will be fixed in the next release:

    In classicthesis.sty change \clearpairofpagestyles to \clearmainofpairofpagestyles

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