Add support for B5 paper size

Issue #145 resolved
Jose M. Alcaide created an issue

Perhaps it is a local custom, but at least in Spain many theses use B5 paper size since it is more "book-alike": A4 is too large, A5 is ludicrously small, but B5 fits well between those sizes.

I use \areaset[current]{311pt}{645pt} in classicthesis-config.tex (Both dimensions are calculated as the geometric mean of those used for A4 and A5 in classicthesis.sty), but I am sure that there are better ways to do that. Anyway, I think that ClassicThesis should provide specific support for B5.

Actually, after reading the changes for CT 4.4 ("Support for more paper sizes") I was dissapointed to see that only Letter size support was added...

Comments (5)

  1. André Miede repo owner

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I completely agree, that B5 is much better than A5. Based on your values, I inserted support for B5.

  2. Jose M. Alcaide reporter

    I found out that Koma-Script’s scrlayer-scrpage package (which uses typearea) does a wonderful job computing the page layout for all page sizes, including B5. Moreover, it takes into account the selected font and the linespread parameter. This is the relevant section from my classicthesis-config.tex:

    \linespread{1.03} \usepackage[sb]{libertine} \usepackage[varqu,varl,var0,scale=0.9]{inconsolata} \usepackage[libertine,vvarbb]{newtxmath} \usepackage[supstfm=libertinesups,supscaled=1.2,raised=-.13em]{superiors} %%%% COMPUTE PAGE LAYOUT %%%% \KOMAoptions{headinclude=false,footinclude=false,DIV=last}

    And I use these options in \documentclass:

    \documentclass[fontsize=11pt,paper=b5,twoside,openright,titlepage,% BCOR=8mm,DIV=calc,% numbers=noenddot,cleardoublepage=empty,% captions=tableheading]{scrbook}

    The DIV=last in the \KOMAoptions command remembers the DIV=calc specified in the \documentclass.

    Note that the \KOMAoptions command is placed after loading the fonts (I prefer Libertine to Palatino, which seems too “classic” to me :) ).

    I think that this approach has advantages over using pre-calculated text areas for each supported paper size.

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