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Welcome to AIEngine wiki page

AIEngine is a packet inspection engine with capabilities of learning without any human intervention. AIEngine helps network/security professionals to identify traffic and develop signatures for use them on NIDS, Firewalls, Malware analysis, Traffic classifiers and so on.

The aim of this wiki is to have a guide of how to use the engine with multiple languages, environments and so on. Feel free to provide use cases that have been value for you.


Python API

AIEngine is written in c++11 and Python, so by using the flexibility of Python, AIEngine could be integrated easily with other functionalities and modules in a easy way.

For advance configurations check the configuration wiki page

If you are interested on some extra examples of functionality just let us know! Have fun!

Ruby API

AIEngine is written in c++11 and Ruby also, so you can integrate it with your ruby code.

Java API

AIEngine is written in c++11 and Java also, so you can integrate it with your java code.
