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aiengine / ZeusMalwarePython

Zeus malware

Nowadays malware is growing fast on the networks, by the following example we could attach the engine to Cloud environment and take advantage of the functionalities that the engine provides. Lets see the following example by detecting the Zeus malware:

We define two callbacks, one for the host domain and another for the Uri. The list of host/uris are from the site, but you can provide your own ones.

def callback_uri(flow):
    print("Zeus activity detected on flow",str(flow))

def callback_host(flow):
    h = flow.http_info
    if (h):
        host = str(h.host_name)
        if (host):
            print("Suspicious activity detected on flow",str(flow),host)

We use a external data of malware and load into a DomainNameManager

def loadZeusMalwareData():

    data = dict()
    # Load the hosts and Urls on memory
    # The list have been download from
    h_mng = pyaiengine.DomainNameManager()
    with open("zeus.dat") as f:
        for line in f.readlines():
            l = line.strip()
            b = l.find("/")
            r_host = l[:b]
            r_uri = l[b:]
            if (not data.has_key(r_host)):
                h = pyaiengine.DomainName(r_host,r_host)
                s = pyaiengine.HTTPUriSet("Set for %s" % r_host)

                h.callback = callback_host
                h.http_uri_set = s

                s.callback = callback_uri
                data[r_host] = (h,s)


    return h_mng

Create a new virtual stack object used on cloud environments on the main.

st = pyaiengine.StackVirtual()

Allocate the maximum number of flows on the UDP stack.

st.tcp_flows = 500000
st.udp_flows = 163840

Load the malware data on the HTTPProtocol and assign them to the stack


Open the network device, set the previous stack and run the engine

with  pyaiengine.PacketDispatcher("eth0") as pd:
    pd.stack = st
