Error in Differential expression analysis

Issue #93 closed
Former user created an issue

Hi, I'm experiencing an error while running the differential expression analysis. I downloaded miARma and installed it from source code, I have installed Bioconductor and all the packages (following the procedure in issue #55 and similar since I got the same error), and I was able tu run and finish the example of Hypoxia. So I replaced the example files with mine (fastq reads, genomes, annotations, indexes) and I run the analysis step by step. I was able to do the adapter removal, quality analysis, alignment with bowtie1 and readcount, but after running the DE with EdgeR or both EdgeR and NOIseq I got this error: *Problem while running this R command: print(resultsfiles)

Error: print(resultsfiles) : object 'resultsfiles' not found Execution halted*

I tried to reinstall bioconductor packages, to move files among directories, to see other similar issues but nothing worked for me, and I don't know why, since I correctly run the example and I cannot run my own analysis. Maybe I id some mistakes? I attached the log and stat files Please, help me, thanks


Comments (16)

  1. Eduardo Andres Leon

    Hi, Is the stat file empty?

    Try this from a terminal:

    bash$>cd /home/apalma/cbbio-miarma-978bff953ed7
    R>QC_EdgeR(projectdir="/home/apalma/cbbio-miarma-978bff953ed7/Examples/basic_examples/miRNAs/Known_miRNAs/results",dir="/home/apalma/cbbio-miarma-978bff953ed7/Examples/basic_examples/miRNAs/Known_miRNAs/results/Readcount_results", file="", targetfile="/home/apalma/cbbio-miarma-978bff953ed7/Examples/basic_examples/miRNAs/data/targets.txt", label="TSA_cut_bw1", filter="yes", cpmvalue=2, repthreshold=1, normethod="TMM")

    You have to see the error. Please take a look to the target/contrast file, most of the errors come from those files Edu

  2. Alessandro

    Hi Eduardo, by trying your code I got this error:

    Loading required package: edgeR
    Loading required package: limma
    Loading required package: ggplot2
    Loading required package: gplots
    Attaching package:gplotsThe following object is masked frompackage:stats:
    Loading required package: genefilter
    Attaching package:genefilterThe following object is masked frompackage:base:
    2017-10-16 09:13:27 Starting quality control analysis of TSA_cut_bw1
    Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings,  :
      line 1 did not have 12 elements

    Do you want me to attach contrast and targets files? They look correct to me. Alex

  3. Eduardo Andres Leon

    Hi, Please take a look first at the line1 of the file which is inside of the ReadCount_results folder. In this line you have to see the same sample than in the targets.txt file

    If you see no error, please send the these 3 files: targets, contrast and the file


  4. Alessandro

    Ok, in file I see that I have 12 samples (4 samples that are mine + the 8 of the example) while the targets and contrast files have just 4 samples, so I think this is the origin of the error. I'm trying to fix the problem, run the analysis again and I'll let you know. Thank you

  5. Alessandro

    Still same error. Do you think there's a problem in read count? This file seems to me very poor... Furthermore, running thr R procedure you typed in your first answer, now I got a different error:

    2017-10-16 11:25:47 Starting quality control analysis of TSA_cut_bw1
    Error in plot(density(log10(data[, 1])), col = boxcol[1], main = paste("Density plot of number of reads of ",  :
      error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'plot': Error in density.default(log10(data[, 1])) :
      need at least 2 points to select a bandwidth automatically
  6. Eduardo Andres Leon

    ummm it seems that you have a low nombre of reads mapped or counted. two possibilities: 1. The strand. May be you use a wrong strand (this affects a lot the number of counted reads). You can change the stand in the ini file and rerun just the ReadCount process 2. Low mapped. Inside the *_readcount_results you will have some .summary files (one per sample). In this file you have a summary of counted and uncounted reads

    Could you include the summary_xxx.xls file ? That is a summary of your results Let me know

  7. Eduardo Andres Leon

    Yes, unless you have use a fresh output_dir, all processed samples will be included.

    Anyway, your % seems fine, why did you say that the file was poor ?

  8. Alessandro

    It was just a perception, cause I got used to tables full of data. Should it be due to the small number of replicates (2 for control and 2 for treated)??? I am just trying to reproduce the experiment taken from literature, so I am not understanding if it is a "reproducibility" problem or if I am not good in performing the analysis...

  9. Eduardo Andres Leon

    As you said, 2 is not enough for a good analysis, but is should be enough for getting the results.

    But you should take a look to all details in the "real" experiment :

    • filtering
    • normalization method
    • quality filtering
    • usage of multimaping and overlapping reads
  10. Alessandro

    Hi Eduardo, I think I finally got the error. As I was telling you, my Readcount table looked to me poor. In fact, I got an error in drawing the density plot, since the program couldn't create a density plot with just 1 number (feature). So, I think I am missing some features in the read count table, since I got just one row/feature for my 4 samples. I think the problem came when I created the index with Bowtie (I didn't set a correct download). I'm gonna try it again and I will let you know if this was the real original problem.

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