Mess with the front page layout when blocks are on the LEFT side

Issue #479 resolved
Alexander Goryntsev created an issue

If I set a position of the blocks on the left ('blockside') then the front page layout before authentication turns into complete mess - see the screenshot. It's worth noticing that the blocks are behind a front layer so they are visible but not clickable. left_block_distorted.png

After authentication the look is a bit better but still needs improvements - see the next screenshot. left_block_distorted_afterlogin.png The problem appears on the front page only. Other site pages are ok.

Comments (5)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Just had this reported in Theme Forum and have found solution, I can patch this if it helps with workload?

    Quick fix in CSS are as follows:

    .notloggedin.side-post-only #region-main.span9.desktop-first-column, .side-post-only #region-main.span9.desktop-first-column, .two-column #region-main.span9.desktop-first-column { margin-left: 2.12766%; }

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