
Clone wiki

enterobase-web / species-index

Top level links:

Database homepage

This documentation has been deprecated and maybe out of date, please see the latest documentation

From the main page, click on a database home link to be brought the dashboard for that database. This page provides a detailed overview of each genera and there are links to a number of tasks you can perform in EnteroBase.

  • ‘Search strains’ will allow you to query the database for records of interest (red).
  • ‘Upload Reads’ will allow you to upload your own sequence reads for analysis (green).
  • ‘Show my Jobs’ will show analysis jobs related to your data (blue).
  • Manage your account through the dropdown in the top right.

These links on the side bar and along the top (grey) will always be present as you navigate deeper into the website so you can easily jump to another task.

