Remove result values in ExpressionTrace

Issue #152 new
Frank Dellaert created an issue

The A value in expression-inl.h is superfluous, really:

template<class T, class A, size_t N>
struct JacobianTrace {
  A value;
  ExecutionTrace<A> trace;
  typename Jacobian<T, A>::type dTdA;

In an Expression chain like uncalibrate(project(pose,point)) the value and derivatives are computed here:

  T Expression<T>::value(const Values& values, JacobianMap& jacobians) const {
    char raw[traceSize()];
    ExecutionTrace<T> trace;
    T value(traceExecution(values, trace, raw));
    return value;

but the function that actually calculates all Jacobians in this tree is traceExecution above. After completion, the raw pointer points to a UnaryExpression::Record that contains all Jacobians but also all function values. That takes up a lot of space. The reason is that the method FunctionalNode::trace only returns a Record*, which contains all intermediate values

  • pose
  • point
  • project(pose,point)

Instead, a the trace should just return the function value of the argument A1, for a UnaryExpression, a pair<A1,A2> for a BinaryExpression, etc... Along with the Record*, of course. Then we would not have to store values these in the Record.

As I write this down, however (mostly for myself and @hannessommer and @ptf), it occurs to me that the savings might not be that great: all these values will be allocated on the stack at one point, as is the Record storage, and all will disappear after Expression<T>::value returns. Is there really value in making char raw[traceSize()] smaller?

To get an idea of the sizes involved, here is a snippet of testExpressionFactor:

  EXPECT_LONGS_EQUAL(352, sizeof(Binary::Record));
  LONGS_EQUAL(112+352, expectedTraceSize);
  EXPECT_LONGS_EQUAL(400, sizeof(Binary::Record));
  LONGS_EQUAL(112+400, expectedTraceSize);

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