recompile cython library

Issue #354 closed
Frank Dellaert created an issue

add dependency on pyx

Comments (4)

  1. Frank Dellaert reporter

    @thduynguyen I hope life is good at TRI :-) Probably very busy ! But, could you possibly take a quick look at how to make sure cython properly rebuilds if the pyx is re-generated? Then we can close this issue!

  2. Duy-Nguyen Ta

    Hi @dellaert, I have little time indeed, but lots of fun! Still think of you everyday though. :)

    Regarding this issue, I cannot reproduce the problem. Changing one line in gtsam.h triggers the full cython rebuild for me. (Tested on Ubuntu 16.04, cmake version 3.5.1). Line 98 in GtsamCythonWrap.cmake should make that happen.

    Can you help verify if this is still an issue for you? If not, can I suggest to close this issue and reopen it again (and tag me) when someone can reproduce it in the future?


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