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hleofxquotes / USAA


On 2020-01-26, USAA's previous OFX interface stopped working.

Configuration for hleofxquotes

The following has USAA specific configuration for hleofxquotes tool. I don't have USAA accounts so I can't really check. But I will be happy to work with you to get it working. Send me email hleofxquotes at gmail dot com.

IMPORTANT - Please read this link first for more general information on how to use hleofxquotes tool. Use version Build_20210214_295 or later (from Downloads).

Once you have some general idea on how hleofxquotes works, then read below for USAA specific information.

In general, you will need to complete the following tasks

  1. Install Java (we need Java version 11 or later)
  2. Install hleofxquotes tool
  3. Create a new FI (Financial Institution) entry. Basically, this represents your USAA acounts (checking, credit card ...)
  4. Configure the FI's properties to set appropriate values on how to connect (URL, authentication information ...)
  5. Verify that the connection is valid: can connection, login and can query get a list of valid account numbers.
  6. Set your FI's properties with valid account number (from last step)
  7. Download your OFX file.
  8. Import the OFX into your personal finance software such as msmoney, Moneydance ...

Moneydance user @dtd was one of the earlier tester of the tool for USAA. He kindly wrote up the following walk-through notes.

Again, please read this link first then come back here for USAA specific information.

For Checking Account

Make sure to change all fields with values FIXME. In particular

  • clientUid=FIXME
  • user.password=FIXME

See section 'To create new USAA userName/password' below for clientUid, and user.password.

Regardind clientUid, some users have success with all lower case. Some have success with all UPPER CASE. So if you see error along the line of

We're unable to complete your request. To download USAA account transactions into Quicken, you'll need to verify your information. Get Access ID and PIN here<

Then try the other way.

For, make sure to use a 10-digit account numbers. If you ave very old accounts with only 7 digits, prepend 000.

For Credit Card Account

Make sure to change all fields with values FIXME. In particular

  • clientUid=FIXME
  • user.password=FIXME

See section 'To create new USAA userName/password' below for clientUid, and user.password.

Regardind clientUid, some users have success with all lower case. Some have success with all UPPER CASE. So if you see error along the line of

We're unable to complete your request. To download USAA account transactions into Quicken, you'll need to verify your information. Get Access ID and PIN here<

Then try the other way.

IMPORTANT: You CANNOT use your credit card number as-is as value for ''. You MUST query the server for such value. To do so

  • Configure your Properties with correct authentication information. Make sure to save.
  • In the 'Financial Institutions' list, select your 'USAA Credit Card'
  • Select popup menu 'Get Accounts Info'. If success, you will see a dialog with a list of found valid accounts associated with your login/password/clientUid. Your credit card number should look like a 16-digit number.

To create new USAA userName/password


Q. I am getting the following message in my OFX response

We're unable to complete your request. To download USAA account transactions into Quicken, you'll need to verify your information. Get Access ID and PIN here

A. Likely cause: bad authentication information. Check your userName, pasword, clientUid

  • should be an 8 characters string of mix alpha-numeric such as Abcd1234
  • user.password: should be a 6 charaters string of number such as 123456
  • clientUid: should be a string looking like this 1234A567-12A3-1234-B7FA-6AFC123456BA. Also, try all lower-case OR all UPPER-CASE.

Q. I am getting the following message in my OFX response

<MESSAGE>Account Not Found</STATUS>

A. Check/verify your account number. In particular

  • Checking account number should have 10-digit. If your account has 7 digits, just pre-pend 000
  • Credit card number: you cannot use your actual credit card number. You need to query the server for a list of valid account number. Use popup menu item 'Get Account Info'. Credit card number should look like a 16-digit number.

Q. I am getting the following message in my OFX response

<META NAME="robots" CONTENT="noindex,nofollow">
<script src="/_Incapsula_Resource?SWJIYLWA=5074a744e2e3d891814e9a2dace20bd4,719d34d31c8e3a6e6fffd425f7e032f3">

A. The likely cause is that your external-facing IP has been blocked.

Often, the IP block is enforced when there are multiple failed attempts made to the site/URL.

By any chance, you were also trying other solutions such as using

  • curl
  • ofxtools
  • your own codes

If yes, failed attempts from those tools could trigger the IP block.

A few things that you can try to vary your external-facing IP

  • use your phone hotspot
  • use VPN
  • use AWS instances

You can use tool such as to figure out what your external-facing IP address is.

See also

  • Background notes - many thanks to the folks on the GNU Cash devel mailing list for doing the heavy lifting to sort out the new USAA connection info.
  • CSV to OFX conversion: If you are OK with just downloading the CSV files from USAA, you could use csv2ofx to convert the CSV files into OFX files.
